Name Last Update
README Loading commit data...
annotation.conf Loading commit data...
b105.ann Loading commit data...
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tools.conf Loading commit data...
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visual.conf Loading commit data...
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wn071.ann Loading commit data...
wn071.txt Loading commit data...


Small sample of data from the Turku Dependency Treebank (TDT).

Contains part-of-speech, lemma and dependency annotation for Finnish
texts from a number of different genres, including among others
legalese, encyclopedic text, fiction, and news.



    Haverinen, K., Viljanen, T., Laippala, V., Kohonen, S., Ginter, F. 
    and Salakoski, T (2010)
    Treebanking Finnish. 
    in Proceedings of The Ninth International Workshop on Treebanks and 
    Linguistic Theories (TLT9).


    For text sources and licenses, see