djangojs.po 7.82 KB
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-28 10:56+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:14
msgid "Opinia"
msgstr "Opinion"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:44
msgid "Funkcja"
msgstr "Function"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:47
msgid "Typy fraz"
msgstr "Phrase types"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:108
msgid "brak schematów"
msgstr "no schemata"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:132
msgid "nowa jednostka spoza <i>Słowosieci</i>"
msgstr "new lexical unit not in <i>plWordnet</i>"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:156
msgid "Rola"
msgstr "Role"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:158
msgid "Preferencje selekcyjne"
msgstr "Selectional preferences"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:205
msgid "brak ram"
msgstr "no frames"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:222
msgid "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić przykłady dla tego schematu."
msgstr "Click to show examples for this schema."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:259
msgid "Kliknij, aby cofnąć wyświetlanie przykładów dla tego schematu."
msgstr "Click to undo showing examples for this schema."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:271
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:461
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:493
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:539
msgid ""
"Kliknij, aby cofnąć ograniczenie wyświetlanych przykładów do powiązanych z"
msgstr "Click to undo restriction to examples linked to"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:271
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:273
msgid "tą pozycją"
msgstr "this position"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:271
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:273
msgid "tą frazą"
msgstr "this phrase"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:273
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:463
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:495
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:541
msgid "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić wyłącznie przykłady powiązane z"
msgstr "Click to show only examples linked to"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:358
msgid ""
"Kliknij, aby wyświetlić przykłady dla tej ramy oraz jej realizacje "
msgstr ""
"Click to show examples linked to this frame and its syntactic realisations."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:461
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:463
msgid "tym znaczeniem"
msgstr "this meaning"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:493
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:495
msgid "tą rolą"
msgstr "this role"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:539
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:541
msgid "tym schematem"
msgstr "this schema"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:569
msgid "Kliknij, aby cofnąć wybór tej ramy."
msgstr "Click to undo choice if this frame."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:672
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:778
msgid "Komentarz"
msgstr "Comment"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:689
msgid ""
"Kliknij, aby cofnąć wyświetlanie typów fraz powiązanych z tym przykładem."
msgstr "Click to undo showing phrase types linked to this example."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:691
msgid "Kliknij, aby wyświetlić typy fraz powiązane z tym przykładem."
msgstr "Click to show phrase types linked to this example."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:730
msgid ""
"Kliknij, aby cofnąć wyświetlanie argumentów i typów fraz powiązanych z tym "
msgstr ""
"Click to undo showing arguments and phrase types linked to this example."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:732
msgid ""
"Kliknij, aby wyświetlić argumenty i typy fraz powiązane z tym przykładem."
msgstr "Click to show arguments and phrase types linked to this example."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:950
msgid "Przetwarzanie..."
msgstr "Processing"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:951
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1007
msgid "Szukaj:"
msgstr "Search:"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:952
msgid "Liczba haseł: _TOTAL_"
msgstr "_TOTAL_ entries"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:953
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1008
msgid "Liczba haseł: 0"
msgstr "0 entries"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:954
msgid "(spośród _MAX_)"
msgstr "(out of _MAX_)"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:955
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1009
msgid "Brak haseł do wyświetlenia."
msgstr "No entries to display."

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:957
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1011
msgid ": sortuj kolumnę rosnąco"
msgstr ": sort column in ascending order"

#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:958
#: entries/static/entries/js/entries.js:1012
msgid ": sortuj kolumnę malejąco"
msgstr ": sort column in descending order"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:7
msgid "Formularz filtrowania zawiera błędy."
msgstr "The filtering form contains errors."

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:48 entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:110
msgid "nie"
msgstr "not"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:85
msgid "i"
msgstr "and"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:85
msgid "lub"
msgstr "or"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:144
msgid "zwiń"
msgstr "collapse"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:149
msgid "rozwiń"
msgstr "expand"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:162
msgid ""
"Łączenie negacji elementu z operatorem ‹inny› na jednym poziomie formularza "
"jest niemożliwe."
msgstr ""
"Mixing element negation with ‹other› operator on the same level is not "

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:179
msgid "Kliknij, aby wyłączyć negację tego atrybutu."
msgstr "Click to switch off negation of this attribute."

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:181
msgid "Kliknij, aby zanegować ten atrybut."
msgstr "Click to negate this attribute."

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:205
msgid ""
"Łączenie operatorów ‹lub› i ‹inny› na jednym poziomie formularza jest "
msgstr "Mixing ‹or› and ‹other› operators on the same level is not possible."

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:212
msgid "Proszę najpierw dodać element,"
msgstr "First add an element"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:212
msgid "aby użyć operatora ‹lub›"
msgstr "in order to use ‹or› operator"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:212
msgid "aby użyć operatora ‹inny›"
msgstr "in order to use ‹other› operator"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:216
msgid ""
"Łączenie operatora ‹inny› z negacją elementu na jednym poziomie formularza "
"jest niemożliwe."
msgstr ""
"Mixing ‹other› operator with element negation on the same level is not "

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:220
msgid "LUB"
msgstr "OR"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:220
msgid "INNY"
msgstr "OTHER"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:220
msgid "Usuń"
msgstr "Remove"

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:231
msgid "Wykonanie zapytania z operatorem ‹inny› może trwać zauważalnie dłużej."
msgstr ""
"Execution of a query using the ‹other› operator can take considerably longer."

#: entries/static/entries/js/forms.js:322
msgid ""
"Dodanie elementu jest niemożliwe: osiągnięto maksymalny poziom zagnieżdżenia."
msgstr "Can’t add an element: maximum depth reached."

#: entries/static/entries/js/utils.js:3 entries/static/entries/js/utils.js:6
msgid "Proszę czekać..."
msgstr "Please wait..."