4.7 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python

Attempt to diagnose common problems with the brat server by using HTTP.

Author:     Pontus Stenetorp    <pontus stenetorp se>
Version:    2012-05-22

from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection
from sys import stderr
from urlparse import urlparse

### Constants
        'http': HTTPConnection,
        'https': HTTPSConnection,

# Handle the horridness of Pythons httplib with redirects and moves
def _request_wrap(conn, method, url, body=None,
    depth = 0
    curr_conn = conn
    curr_url = url
    while depth < 100: # 100 is a nice arbitary number
        curr_conn.request(method, curr_url, body,
                headers=headers if headers is not None else {})
        res = curr_conn.getresponse()
        if res.status not in (MOVED_PERMANENTLY, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, ):
            return res # Empty the results
        res_headers = dict(res.getheaders())
        url_soup = urlparse(res_headers['location'])
        # Note: Could give us a "weird" scheme, but fuck it... can't be arsed
        # to think of all the crap http can potentially throw at us
            curr_conn = CONNECTION_BY_SCHEME[url_soup.scheme](url_soup.netloc)
        except KeyError:
            assert False, 'redirected to unknown scheme, dying'
        curr_url = url_soup.path
        depth += 1
    assert False, 'redirects and moves lead us astray, dying'

def main(args):
    # Old-style argument handling for portability
    if len(args) != 2:
        print >> stderr, 'Usage: %s url_to_brat_installation' % (args[0], )
        return -1
    brat_url = args[1]
    url_soup = urlparse(brat_url)

    if url_soup.scheme:
            Connection = CONNECTION_BY_SCHEME[url_soup.scheme.split(':')[0]]
        except KeyError:
            print >> stderr, ('ERROR: Unknown url scheme %s, try http or '
                    'https') % url_soup.scheme
            return -1
        # Not a well-formed url, we'll try to guess the user intention
        path_soup = url_soup.path.split('/')
        assumed_netloc = path_soup[0]
        assumed_path = '/' + '/'.join(path_soup[1:])
        print >> stderr, ('WARNING: No url scheme given, assuming scheme: '
                '"http", netloc: "%s" and path: "%s"'
                ) % (assumed_netloc, assumed_path, )
        url_soup = url_soup._replace(scheme='http', netloc=assumed_netloc,
        Connection = HTTPConnection

    # Check if we can load the base url
    conn = Connection(url_soup.netloc)
    res = _request_wrap(conn, 'HEAD', url_soup.path)
    if res.status != OK:
        print >> stderr, ('Unable to load "%s", please check the url.'
                ) % (brat_url, )
        print >> stderr, ('Does the url you provdide point to your brat '
        return -1 # Dump the data so that we can make another request

    # Do we have an ajax.cgi?
    ajax_cgi_path = url_soup.path + '/ajax.cgi'
    ajax_cgi_url = url_soup._replace(path=ajax_cgi_path).geturl()
    res = _request_wrap(conn, 'HEAD', ajax_cgi_path)
    if res.status == FORBIDDEN:
        print >> stderr, ('Received forbidden (403) when trying to access '
                '"%s"') % (ajax_cgi_url, )
        print ('Have you perhaps forgotten to enable execution of CGI in '
                ' your web server configuration?')
        return -1
    elif res.status != OK:
        print >> stderr, ('Unable to load "%s", please check your url. Does '
                'it point to your brat installation?') % (ajax_cgi_url, )
        return -1
    # Verify that we actually got json data back
    res_headers = dict(res.getheaders())
        content_type = res_headers['content-type']
    except KeyError:
        content_type = None

    if content_type != 'application/json':
        print >> stderr, ('Didn\'t receive json data when accessing "%s"%s.'
                ) % (ajax_cgi_url,
                        ', instead we received %s' % content_type
                            if content_type is not None else '')
        print >> stderr, ('Have you perhaps forgotten to add a handler for '
                'CGI in your web server configuration?')
        return -1

    # Doctor says, this seems okay
    print 'Congratulations! Your brat server appears to be ready to run.'
    print ('However, there is the possibility that there are further errors, '
            'but at least the server should be capable of communicating '
            'these errors to the client.')
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv