4.01 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Special-purpose script for converting the NCBI taxonomy data dump
# into the brat normalization DB input format
# (

# The script expects as input the names.dmp file available from
# the NCBI FTP site (
# As of late 2012, the following commands could be used to get
# this file (and a number of other related ones):
#     wget
#     tar xvzf taxdump.tar.gz

# The names.dmp contains four fields per line, separated by pipe
# characters ("|"): tax_id, name_txt, unique name, and name class.
# This script discards the "unique name" field (which has values such
# as "Drosophila <fruit fly, genus>"), groups the others by tax_id,
# and filters likely irrelevance names by name class.

# Note that this script is not optimized in any way takes some minutes
# to run on the full NCBI taxonomy data.

from __future__ import with_statement

import sys
import re
import codecs


# Name classes to discard from the data (unless they are the only that
# remain). These are discarded to avoid crowding the interface with a
# large number of irrelevant (e.g. "misspelling"), redundant
# (e.g. "blast name") or rarely used names (e.g. "type material").
    "type material",
    "genbank anamorph",
    "blast name",

# Mapping between source data name classes and categories in output.
# Note that this excludes initial character capitalization, which is
# performed for by default as the last stage of processing.
    "genbank common name" : "common name",
    "genbank synonym" : "synonym",
    "equivalent name" : "synonym",
    "acronym" : "synonym",
    "genbank acronym" : "synonym",
    "genbank anamorph" : "anamorph",

# Sort order of names for output.
    "scientific name",
    "common name",

def main(argv):
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Usage:", argv[0], "names.dmp"
        return 1

    namesfn = argv[1]

    # read in names.dmp, store name_txt and name class by tax_id
    names_by_tax_id = {}
    with, encoding=INPUT_ENCODING) as f:
        for i, l in enumerate(f):
            l = l.strip('\n\r')
            fields = l.split('|')

            assert len(fields) >= 4, "Format error on line %d: %s" % (i+1, l)
            fields = [t.strip() for t in fields]
            tax_id, name_txt, name_class = fields[0], fields[1], fields[3]

            if tax_id not in names_by_tax_id:
                names_by_tax_id[tax_id] = []
            names_by_tax_id[tax_id].append((name_txt, name_class))

    # filter names by class
    for tax_id in names_by_tax_id:
        for dnc in DISCARD_NAME_CLASS:            
            filtered = [(t, c) for t, c in names_by_tax_id[tax_id] if c != dnc]
            if filtered:
                names_by_tax_id[tax_id] = filtered
                print "emptied", tax_id, names_by_tax_id[tax_id]

    # map classes for remaining names
    for tax_id in names_by_tax_id:
        mapped = []
        for t, c in names_by_tax_id[tax_id]:
            mapped.append((t, NAME_CLASS_MAP.get(c,c)))
        names_by_tax_id[tax_id] = mapped

    # sort for output
    nc_rank = dict((b,a) for a,b in enumerate(NAME_ORDER_BY_CLASS))
    for tax_id in names_by_tax_id:
        names_by_tax_id[tax_id].sort(lambda a, b: cmp(nc_rank[a[1]],

    # output in numerical order by taxonomy ID.
    for tax_id in sorted(names_by_tax_id, lambda a, b: cmp(int(a),int(b))):
        for t, c in names_by_tax_id[tax_id]:
            c = c[0].upper()+c[1:]
            sys.stdout.write("\tname:%s:%s" % (c, t))

if __name__ == "__main__":