lighttpd.conf 2.46 KB
# Example configuration for hosting brat using the Lighttpd 
# ( web server.
# Example usage:
# 			Adjust the settings in the MANDATORY section, and run lighttpd as:
# 			$ lighttpd -D -f lighttpd.conf
# 			With the default settings, this will make brat available at 
# 			http://localhost:8080/ 
# Note:
# 			The user running lighttpd (or the one specified in server.user when 
# 			started by a super-user) has to have sufficient permissions on brat 
# 			folders.
# Author:  	Illes Solt <illes solt gmail com>
# Version:	2011-08-21


# The path to brat base directory, see also config*.py
server.document-root 		= BASE_DIR


# Default port is 80, requires super-user privileges.
server.port = 8080

# Daemon files
#server.errorlog             = "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log"             = "/var/run/"

# Setting a user different from the user running lighttpd requires super-user privileges.
server.username             = "www-data"
server.groupname            = "www-data"

# Enable compresion of transmitted text files, may offer speed-up on slow networks.
#server.modules += ( "mod_compress" )
#compress.cache-dir = "/var/cache/lighttpd/compress/"
#compress.filetype  = ( "text/javascript", "text/css", "text/html", "text/plain", "text/xml", "application/xhtml+xml", "image/svg+xml" )


cgi.assign = (
  ".cgi" 	=> "/usr/bin/python"

server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )

index-file.names = ( "index.html" )
static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".fcgi", "~", ".cgi", ".py", ".pyc", ".htaccess", ".gitignore" )

# Mime type mappings
mimetype.assign = (
  ".jpg" 	=> "image/jpeg",
  ".jpeg"   => "image/jpeg",
  ".png" 	=> "image/png",
  ".gif"    => "image/gif",
  ".pdf"    => "application/pdf",
  ".svg"    => "image/svg+xml",

  ".xhtml" 	=> "application/xhtml+xml",
  ".html" 	=> "text/html", 
  ".htm"    => "text/html",
  ".xml"    => "text/xml",
  ".txt" 	=> "text/plain",

  ".js"     => "text/javascript",
  ".css"   	=> "text/css",
  ".ttf" 	=> "font/ttf",

  ".zip"    => "application/zip",
  ".tar"    => "application/x-tar",
  ".gz"     => "application/x-gzip",
  ".tar.gz" => "application/x-tgz",
  ".tgz"    => "application/x-tgz",
  ".bz2"    => "application/x-bzip",
  ".tbz"    => "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",
  ".tar.bz2"=> "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",

# make the default mime type application/octet-stream
  ""        => "application/octet-stream",