10.1 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
# vim:set ft=python ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 autoindent:

Functionality for normalization SQL database access.

import sys
from os.path import join as path_join, exists, sep as path_sep
import sqlite3 as sqlite

    from config import BASE_DIR, WORK_DIR
except ImportError:
    # for CLI use; assume we're in brat server/src/ and config is in root
    from sys import path as sys_path
    from os.path import dirname
    sys_path.append(path_join(dirname(__file__), '../..'))
    from config import BASE_DIR, WORK_DIR

# Filename extension used for DB file.

# Names of tables with information on each entry
TYPE_TABLES = ["names", "attributes", "infos"]

# Names of tables that must have some value for an entry
NON_EMPTY_TABLES = set(["names"])

# Maximum number of variables in one SQL query (TODO: get from lib!)

__query_count = {}

class dbNotFoundError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, fn):
        self.fn = fn

    def __str__(self):
        return u'Database file "%s" not found' % self.fn

# Normalizes a given string for search. Used to implement
# case-insensitivity and similar in search.
# NOTE: this is a different sense of "normalization" than that
# implemented by a normalization DB as a whole: this just applies to
# single strings.
# NOTE2: it is critically important that this function is performed
# identically during DB initialization and actual lookup.
# TODO: enforce a single implementation.
def string_norm_form(s):
    return s.lower().strip().replace('-', ' ')

def __db_path(db):
    Given a DB name/path, returns the path for the file that is
    expected to contain the DB.
    # Assume we have a path relative to the brat root if the value
    # contains a separator, name only otherwise. 
    # TODO: better treatment of name / path ambiguity, this doesn't
    # allow e.g. DBs to be located in brat root
    if path_sep in db:
        base = BASE_DIR
        base = WORK_DIR
    return path_join(base, db+'.'+DB_FILENAME_EXTENSION)

def reset_query_count(dbname):
    global __query_count
    __query_count[dbname] = 0

def get_query_count(dbname):
    global __query_count
    return __query_count.get(dbname, 0)

def __increment_query_count(dbname):
    global __query_count
    __query_count[dbname] = __query_count.get(dbname, 0) + 1

def _get_connection_cursor(dbname):
    # helper for DB access functions
    dbfn = __db_path(dbname)

    # open DB
    if not exists(dbfn):
        raise dbNotFoundError(dbfn)
    connection = sqlite.connect(dbfn)
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    return connection, cursor

def _execute_fetchall(cursor, command, args, dbname):
    # helper for DB access functions
    cursor.execute(command, args)
    return cursor.fetchall()

def data_by_id(dbname, id_):
    Given a DB name and an entity id, returns all the information
    contained in the DB for the id.
    connection, cursor = _get_connection_cursor(dbname)

    # select separately from names, attributes and infos    
    responses = {}
    for table in TYPE_TABLES:
        command = '''
SELECT L.text, N.value
FROM entities E
  ON = N.entity_id
JOIN labels L
  ON = N.label_id
WHERE E.uid=?''' % table
        responses[table] = _execute_fetchall(cursor, command, (id_, ), dbname)

        # short-circuit on missing or incomplete entry
        if table in NON_EMPTY_TABLES and len(responses[table]) == 0:


    # empty or incomplete?
    for t in NON_EMPTY_TABLES:
        if len(responses[t]) == 0:
            return None

    # has content, format and return
    combined = []
    for t in TYPE_TABLES:
    return combined

def ids_by_name(dbname, name, exactmatch=False, return_match=False):
    return ids_by_names(dbname, [name], exactmatch, return_match)

def ids_by_names(dbname, names, exactmatch=False, return_match=False):
    if len(names) < MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT:
        return _ids_by_names(dbname, names, exactmatch, return_match)
        # break up into several queries
        result = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(names):
            n = names[i:i+MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT]
            r = _ids_by_names(dbname, n, exactmatch, return_match)
            i += MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT
        return result

def _ids_by_names(dbname, names, exactmatch=False, return_match=False):
    Given a DB name and a list of entity names, returns the ids of all
    entities having one of the given names. Uses exact string lookup
    if exactmatch is True, otherwise performs normalized string lookup
    (case-insensitive etc.). If return_match is True, returns pairs of
    (id, matched name), otherwise returns only ids.
    connection, cursor = _get_connection_cursor(dbname)

    if not return_match:
        command = 'SELECT E.uid'
        command = 'SELECT E.uid, N.value'

    command += '''
FROM entities E
JOIN names N
  ON = N.entity_id
    if exactmatch:
        command += 'WHERE N.value IN (%s)' % ','.join(['?' for n in names])
        command += 'WHERE N.normvalue IN (%s)' % ','.join(['?' for n in names])
        names = [string_norm_form(n) for n in names]

    responses = _execute_fetchall(cursor, command, names, dbname)


    if not return_match:
        return [r[0] for r in responses]
        return [(r[0],r[1]) for r in responses]

def ids_by_name_attr(dbname, name, attr, exactmatch=False, return_match=False):
    return ids_by_names_attr(dbname, [name], attr, exactmatch, return_match)

def ids_by_names_attr(dbname, names, attr, exactmatch=False, 
    if len(names) < MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT-1:
        return _ids_by_names_attr(dbname, names, attr, exactmatch, return_match)
        # break up
        result = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(names):
            # -1 for attr
            n = names[i:i+MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT-1]
            r = _ids_by_names_attr(dbname, n, attr, exactmatch, return_match)
            i += MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT-1
        return result
def _ids_by_names_attr(dbname, names, attr, exactmatch=False, 
    Given a DB name, a list of entity names, and an attribute text,
    returns the ids of all entities having one of the given names and
    an attribute matching the given attribute. Uses exact string
    lookup if exactmatch is True, otherwise performs normalized string
    lookup (case-insensitive etc.). If return_match is True, returns
    pairs of (id, matched name), otherwise returns only names.
    connection, cursor = _get_connection_cursor(dbname)

    if not return_match:
        command = 'SELECT E.uid'
        command = 'SELECT E.uid, N.value'

    command += '''
FROM entities E
JOIN names N
  ON = N.entity_id
JOIN attributes A
  ON = A.entity_id
    if exactmatch:
        command += 'WHERE N.value IN (%s) AND A.value=?' % ','.join(['?' for n in names])
        # NOTE: using 'LIKE', not '=' here
        command += 'WHERE N.normvalue IN (%s) AND A.normvalue LIKE ?' % ','.join(['?' for n in names])
        attr = '%'+string_norm_form(attr)+'%'
        names = [string_norm_form(n) for n in names]

    responses = _execute_fetchall(cursor, command, names + [attr], dbname)


    if not return_match:
        return [r[0] for r in responses]
        return [(r[0],r[1]) for r in responses]

def datas_by_ids(dbname, ids):
    if len(ids) < MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT:
        return _datas_by_ids(dbname, ids)
        # break up
        datas = {}
        i = 0
        ids = list(ids)
        while i < len(ids):
            ids_ = ids[i:i+MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT]
            r = _datas_by_ids(dbname, ids_)
            for k in r:
                datas[k] = r[k]
            i += MAX_SQL_VARIABLE_COUNT
        return datas

def _datas_by_ids(dbname, ids):
    Given a DB name and a list of entity ids, returns all the
    information contained in the DB for the ids.
    connection, cursor = _get_connection_cursor(dbname)

    # select separately from names, attributes and infos    
    responses = {}
    for table in TYPE_TABLES:
        command = '''
SELECT E.uid, L.text, N.value
FROM entities E
  ON = N.entity_id
JOIN labels L
  ON = N.label_id
WHERE E.uid IN (%s)''' % (table, ','.join(['?' for i in ids]))
        response = _execute_fetchall(cursor, command, list(ids), dbname)

        # group by ID first
        for id_, label, value in response:
            if id_ not in responses:
                responses[id_] = {}
            if table not in responses[id_]:
                responses[id_][table] = []
            responses[id_][table].append([label, value])

        # short-circuit on missing or incomplete entry
        if (table in NON_EMPTY_TABLES and
            len([i for i in responses if responses[i][table] == 0]) != 0):
            return None


    # empty or incomplete?
    for id_ in responses:
        for t in NON_EMPTY_TABLES:
            if len(responses[id_][t]) == 0:
                return None

    # has expected content, format and return
    datas = {}
    for id_ in responses:
        datas[id_] = []
        for t in TYPE_TABLES:
    return datas

def datas_by_name(dbname, name, exactmatch=False):
    # TODO: optimize
    datas = {}
    for id_ in ids_by_name(dbname, name, exactmatch):
        datas[id_] = data_by_id(dbname, id_)
    return datas

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # test
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        dbname = sys.argv[1]
        dbname = "FMA"
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        id_ = sys.argv[2]
        id_ = "10883"
    print data_by_id(dbname, id_)
    print ids_by_name(dbname, 'Pleural branch of left sixth posterior intercostal artery')
    print datas_by_name(dbname, 'Pleural branch of left sixth posterior intercostal artery')