000-introduction.txt 938 Bytes
Welcome to the Brat Rapid Annotation Tool (brat) tutorial!

brat is a web-based tool for structured text annotation and visualization. The easiest way to explain what this means is by example: see the following sentence illustrating various types of annotation. Take a moment to study this example, moving your mouse cursor over some of the annotations. Hold the cursor still over an annotation for more detail.

1 ) Our results suggest that the expression of IkB-alpha may inhibit the upregulation of VCAM-1 expression.

If this example seems complicated, don't panic! This tutorial will present the key features of brat interactively, with each document presenting one or a few features. If you follow this brief tutorial, you'll be able to understand and create annotations such as those above in no time.

Try moving to the next document now by clicking on the arrow to the right on the blue bar at the top left corner of the page.