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aapp | Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein | AAPP
acab | Acquired Abnormality | ACAB
acty | Activity | ACTY
aggp | Age Group | AGGP
amas | Amino Acid Sequence | AMAS
amph | Amphibian | AMPH
anab | Anatomical Abnormality | ANAB
anim | Animal | ANIM
anst | Anatomical Structure | ANST
antb | Antibiotic | ANTB
arch | Archaeon | ARCH
bacs | Biologically Active Substance | BACS
bact | Bacterium | BACT
bdsu | Body Substance | BDSU
bdsy | Body System | BDSY
bhvr | Behavior | BHVR
biof | Biologic Function | BIOF
bird | Bird | BIRD
blor | Body Location or Region | BLOR
bmod | Biomedical Occupation or Discipline | BMOD
bodm | Biomedical or Dental Material | BODM
bpoc | Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component | BPOC
bsoj | Body Space or Junction | BSOJ
carb | Carbohydrate | CARB
celc | Cell Component | CELC
celf | Cell Function | CELF
cell | Cell | CELL
cgab | Congenital Abnormality | CGAB
chem | Chemical | CHEM
chvf | Chemical Viewed Functionally | CHVF
chvs | Chemical Viewed Structurally | CHVS
clas | Classification | CLAS
clna | Clinical Attribute | CLNA
clnd | Clinical Drug | CLND
cnce | Conceptual Entity | CNCE
comd | Cell or Molecular Dysfunction | COMD
crbs | Carbohydrate Sequence | CRBS
diap | Diagnostic Procedure | DIAP
dora | Daily or Recreational Activity | DORA
drdd | Drug Delivery Device | DRDD
dsyn | Disease or Syndrome | DSYN
edac | Educational Activity | EDAC
eehu | Environmental Effect of Humans | EEHU
eico | Eicosanoid | EICO
elii | Element, Ion, or Isotope | ELII
emod | Experimental Model of Disease | EMOD
emst | Embryonic Structure | EMST
enty | Entity | ENTY
enzy | Enzyme | ENZY
euka | Eukaryote | EUKA
evnt | Event | EVNT
famg | Family Group | FAMG
ffas | Fully Formed Anatomical Structure | FFAS
fish | Fish | FISH
fndg | Finding | FNDG
fngs | Fungus | FNGS
food | Food | FOOD
ftcn | Functional Concept | FTCN
genf | Genetic Function | GENF
geoa | Geographic Area | GEOA
gngm | Gene or Genome | GNGM
gora | Governmental or Regulatory Activity | GORA
grpa | Group Attribute | GRPA
grup | Group | GRUP
hcpp | Human-caused Phenomenon or Process | HCPP
hcro | Health Care Related Organization | HCRO
hlca | Health Care Activity | HLCA
hops | Hazardous or Poisonous Substance | HOPS
horm | Hormone | HORM
humn | Human | HUMN
idcn | Idea or Concept | IDCN
imft | Immunologic Factor | IMFT
inbe | Individual Behavior | INBE
inch | Inorganic Chemical | INCH
inpo | Injury or Poisoning | INPO
inpr | Intellectual Product | INPR
irda | Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid | IRDA
lang | Language | LANG
lbpr | Laboratory Procedure | LBPR
lbtr | Laboratory or Test Result | LBTR
lipd | Lipid | LIPD
mamm | Mammal | MAMM
mbrt | Molecular Biology Research Technique | MBRT
mcha | Machine Activity | MCHA
medd | Medical Device | MEDD
menp | Mental Process | MENP
mnob | Manufactured Object | MNOB
mobd | Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction | MOBD
moft | Molecular Function | MOFT
mosq | Molecular Sequence | MOSQ
neop | Neoplastic Process | NEOP
nnon | Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide | NNON
npop | Natural Phenomenon or Process | NPOP
nsba | Neuroreactive Substance or Biogenic Amine | NSBA
nusq | Nucleotide Sequence | NUSQ
ocac | Occupational Activity | OCAC
ocdi | Occupation or Discipline | OCDI
opco | Organophosphorus Compound | OPCO
orch | Organic Chemical | ORCH
orga | Organism Attribute | ORGA
orgf | Organism Function | ORGF
orgm | Organism | ORGM
orgt | Organization | ORGT
ortf | Organ or Tissue Function | ORTF
patf | Pathologic Function | PATF
phob | Physical Object | PHOB
phpr | Phenomenon or Process | PHPR
phsf | Physiologic Function | PHSF
phsu | Pharmacologic Substance | PHSU
plnt | Plant | PLNT
podg | Patient or Disabled Group | PODG
popg | Population Group | POPG
prog | Professional or Occupational Group | PROG
pros | Professional Society | PROS
qlco | Qualitative Concept | QLCO
qnco | Quantitative Concept | QNCO
rcpt | Receptor | RCPT
rept | Reptile | REPT
resa | Research Activity | RESA
resd | Research Device | RESD
rnlw | Regulation or Law | RNLW
sbst | Substance | SBST
shro | Self-help or Relief Organization | SHRO
socb | Social Behavior | SOCB
sosy | Sign or Symptom | SOSY
spco | Spatial Concept | SPCO
strd | Steroid | STRD
tisu | Tissue | TISU
tmco | Temporal Concept | TMCO
topp | Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure | TOPP
virs | Virus | VIRS
vita | Vitamin | VITA
vtbt | Vertebrate | VTBT


SPAN_DEFAULT	fgColor:black, bgColor:white, borderColor:darken
ARC_DEFAULT	color:black, arrowHead:triangle-5

# Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
aapp bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Acquired Abnormality
acab bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Activity
acty bgColor:lightgreen

# Age Group
aggp bgColor:#ffccaa

# Amino Acid Sequence
amas bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Amphibian
amph bgColor:#ffccaa

# Anatomical Abnormality
anab bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Animal
anim bgColor:#ffccaa

# Anatomical Structure
anst bgColor:#ddaaaa

# Antibiotic
antb bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Archaeon
arch bgColor:#ffccaa

# Biologically Active Substance
bacs bgColor:#8fcfff

# Bacterium
bact bgColor:#ffccaa

# Body Substance
bdsu bgColor:#ffeee0

# Body System
bdsy bgColor:#ee99cc

# Behavior
bhvr bgColor:lightgreen

# Biologic Function
biof bgColor:lightgreen

# Bird
bird bgColor:#ffccaa

# Body Location or Region
blor bgColor:#fff9f9

# Biomedical Occupation or Discipline
bmod bgColor:#ff00ff

# Biomedical or Dental Material
bodm bgColor:#8fcfff

# Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
bpoc bgColor:#ff95ee

# Body Space or Junction
bsoj bgColor:#fff9f9

# Carbohydrate
carb bgColor:#8fcfff

# Cell Component
celc bgColor:#bbc3ff

# Cell Function
celf bgColor:lightgreen

# Cell
cell bgColor:#cf9fff

# Congenital Abnormality
cgab bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Chemical
chem bgColor:#8fcfff

# Chemical Viewed Functionally
chvf bgColor:#8fcfff

# Chemical Viewed Structurally
chvs bgColor:#8fcfff

# Classification
clas bgColor:#ffffff

# Clinical Attribute
clna bgColor:#ffffff

# Clinical Drug
clnd bgColor:#8fcfff

# Conceptual Entity
cnce bgColor:#ffffff

# Cell or Molecular Dysfunction
comd bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Carbohydrate Sequence
crbs bgColor:#8fcfff

# Diagnostic Procedure
diap bgColor:#ff00ff

# Daily or Recreational Activity
dora bgColor:#ff00ff

# Drug Delivery Device
#drdd bgColor:

# Disease or Syndrome
dsyn bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Educational Activity
edac bgColor:#ff00ff

# Environmental Effect of Humans
#eehu bgColor:

# Eicosanoid
eico bgColor:#ffccaa

# Element, Ion, or Isotope
elii bgColor:#8fcfff

# Experimental Model of Disease
emod bgColor:#ffccaa

# Embryonic Structure
emst bgColor:#ff9fff

# Entity
#enty bgColor:

# Enzyme
enzy bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Eukaryote
euka bgColor:#ffccaa

# Event
evnt bgColor:lightgreen

# Family Group
famg bgColor:#ffccaa

# Fully Formed Anatomical Structure
ffas bgColor:#ddaaaa

# Fish
fish bgColor:#ffccaa

# Finding
#fndg bgColor:

# Fungus
fngs bgColor:#ffccaa

# Food
food bgColor:#ffeee0

# Functional Concept
ftcn bgColor:lightgreen

# Genetic Function
genf bgColor:lightgreen

# Geographic Area
geoa bgColor:#ffffff

# Gene or Genome
gngm bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Governmental or Regulatory Activity
gora bgColor:#ff00ff

# Group Attribute
grpa bgColor:#ffffff

# Group
grup bgColor:#ffccaa

# Human-caused Phenomenon or Process
hcpp bgColor:#ff00ff

# Health Care Related Organization
#hcro bgColor:

# Health Care Activity
hlca bgColor:#ff00ff

# Hazardous or Poisonous Substance
hops bgColor:#8fcfff

# Hormone
horm bgColor:#8fcfff

# Human
humn bgColor:#ffccaa

# Idea or Concept
idcn bgColor:#ffffff

# Immunologic Factor
imft bgColor:#8fcfff

# Individual Behavior
inbe bgColor:#ff00ff

# Inorganic Chemical
inch bgColor:#8fcfff

# Injury or Poisoning
inpo bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Intellectual Product
inpr bgColor:#ffffff

# Indicator, Reagent, or Diagnostic Aid
irda bgColor:#8fcfff

# Language
lang bgColor:#ffffff

# Laboratory Procedure
lbpr bgColor:#ff00ff

# Laboratory or Test Result
lbtr bgColor:#ffffff

# Lipid
lipd bgColor:#8fcfff

# Mammal
mamm bgColor:#ffccaa

# Molecular Biology Research Technique
mbrt bgColor:#ff00ff

# Machine Activity
mcha bgColor:#ff00ff

# Medical Device
#medd bgColor:

# Mental Process
menp bgColor:#ff00ff

# Manufactured Object
#mnob bgColor:

# Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
mobd bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Molecular Function
moft bgColor:lightgreen

# Molecular Sequence
mosq bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Neoplastic Process
neop bgColor:#770000, fgColor:#ffaaaa

# Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide
nnon bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Natural Phenomenon or Process
npop bgColor:lightgreen

# Neuroreactive Substance or Biogenic Amine
nsba bgColor:#8fcfff

# Nucleotide Sequence
nusq bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Occupational Activity
ocac bgColor:#ff00ff

# Occupation or Discipline
ocdi bgColor:#ff00ff

# Organophosphorus Compound
opco bgColor:#8fcfff

# Organic Chemical
orch bgColor:#8fcfff

# Organism Attribute
orga bgColor:#ffffff

# Organism Function
orgf bgColor:lightgreen

# Organism
orgm bgColor:#ffccaa

# Organization
#orgt bgColor:#8fb2ff

# Organ or Tissue Function
ortf bgColor:lightgreen

# Pathologic Function
patf bgColor:#aaaaaa

# Physical Object
#phob bgColor:

# Phenomenon or Process
phpr bgColor:lightgreen

# Physiologic Function
phsf bgColor:lightgreen

# Pharmacologic Substance
phsu bgColor:#8fcfff

# Plant
plnt bgColor:#ffccaa

# Patient or Disabled Group
podg bgColor:#ffccaa

# Population Group
popg bgColor:#ffccaa

# Professional or Occupational Group
prog bgColor:#ffccaa

# Professional Society
#pros bgColor:

# Qualitative Concept
qlco bgColor:#ffffff

# Quantitative Concept
qnco bgColor:#ffffff

# Receptor
rcpt bgColor:#7fa2ff

# Reptile
rept bgColor:#ffccaa

# Research Activity
resa bgColor:#ff00ff

# Research Device
#resd bgColor:

# Regulation or Law
rnlw bgColor:#ffffff

# Substance
sbst bgColor:#8fcfff

# Self-help or Relief Organization
shro bgColor:#8fb2ff

# Social Behavior
socb bgColor:#ff00ff

# Sign or Symptom
sosy bgColor:lightgreen

# Spatial Concept
spco bgColor:#ffffff

# Steroid
strd bgColor:#8fcfff

# Tissue
tisu bgColor:#cf9fff

# Temporal Concept
tmco bgColor:#ffffff

# Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
topp bgColor:#ff00ff

# Virus
virs bgColor:#ffccaa

# Vitamin
vita bgColor:#8fcfff

# Vertebrate
vtbt bgColor:#ffccaa