tools.conf 2.85 KB

# Possible values for validate:
# - all: perform full validation
# - none: don't perform any validation
Validation	validate:all

# Possible values for tokenizer
# - ptblike: emulate Penn Treebank tokenization
# - mecab: perform Japanese tokenization using MeCab
# - whitespace: split by whitespace characters in source text (only) 
Tokens	   tokenizer:whitespace

# Possible values for splitter:
# - regex  : regular expression-based sentence splitting
# - newline: split by newline characters in source text (only)
Sentences	splitter:newline

# Possible values for logfile:
# - <NONE> : no annotation logging
# - NAME : log into file NAME (e.g. "/home/brat/annotation.log")
Annotation-log logfile:<NONE>


# Search option configuration. Configured queries will be available in
# text span annotation dialogs. When selected on the UI, these open
# the given URL ("<URL>") with the string "%s" replaced with the
# selected text span.

#Google       <URL>:
#Wikipedia    <URL>:


# Automatic annotation service configuration. The values of "tool" and
# "model" are required for the UI, and "<URL>" should be filled with
# the URL of the web service. See the brat documentation for more
# information.

# Examples:
# Random              tool:Random, model:Random, <URL>:http://localhost:47111/
# Stanford-CoNLL-MUC  tool:Stanford_NER, model:CoNLL+MUC, <URL>:
# NERtagger-GENIA     tool:NERtagger, model:GENIA, <URL>:


# Automatic semantic disambiguation service configuration. The values
# of "tool" and "model" are required for the UI, and "<URL>" should be
# filled with the URL of the web service. See the brat documentation
# for more information.

# Example:
# simsem-GENIA    tool:simsem, model:GENIA, <URL>:


# Configuration for normalization against external resources. The
# resource name (first field of each line) should match that of a
# normalization DB on the brat server (see tools/,
# "<URL>" should be filled with the URL of the resource (preferably
# one providing a serach interface), and "<URLBASE>" should be a
# string containing "%s" that, when replacing "%s" with an ID in
# the external resource, becomes a link to a page representing
# the entry corresponding to the ID in that resource.

# Example
#UniProt    <URL>:, <URLBASE>:
#GO    <URL>:, <URLBASE>:
#FMA    <URL>:, <URLBASE>:
#Wikipedia    <URL>:, <URLBASE>: