djangojs.po 6.97 KB
# English translation of the dictionary module.
# Copyright (C) 2015
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Lexeme Forge package.
# Jan Szejko <>, 2015.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-29 21:59+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Jan Szejko <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:86 static/js/lexeme-edit.js.c:303
#, c-format
msgid "Atrybut: %s zostanie usunięty."
msgid_plural "Atrybuty: %s zostaną usunięte."
msgstr[0] "Attribute: %s will be removed."
msgstr[1] "Attributes: %s will be removed."

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:89 static/js/lexeme-edit.js.c:287
#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:307 static/js/lexeme-edit.js.c:985
msgid "Kontynuować?"
msgstr "Do you want to continue?"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:172 static/js/lexeme-edit.js.c:193
#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:210 static/js/lexeme-edit.js.c:255
msgid "Anuluj"
msgstr "Cancel"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:178 static/js/lexeme-edit.js.c:261
msgid "Wybierz"
msgstr "Choose"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:199
msgid "Utwórz"
msgstr "Create"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:216
msgid "Zastosuj"
msgstr "Apply"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:239
msgid "Wykonaj"
msgstr "Execute"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:282
msgid "Zostanie usunięta klasyfikacja:"
msgid_plural "Zostaną usunięte klasyfikacje:"
msgstr[0] "The following classification will be removed:"
msgstr[1] "The following classifications will be removed:"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:346
msgid "Wybierz słowniki"
msgstr "Choose dictionaries"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:347
msgid "# słowników"
msgstr "# dictionaries"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:438
msgid "Zapisanie zmian"
msgstr "Save"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:523
msgid "Utworzenie derywatów"
msgstr "Creation of derivatives"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:533
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do usunięcia:"
msgstr "Those will be removed:"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "brak odsyłaczy do innych leksemów"
msgstr "No matching lexemes."

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:552
msgid "Do dodania:"
msgstr "To add:"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:587
msgid "Zaktualizowanie zwrotnych derywatów"
msgstr "Back references update"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:671
msgid "Przeładowanie klasyfikacji"
msgstr "Classification reload"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:688
msgid "Przeładowanie atrybutów"
msgstr "Attributes reload"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:722
msgid "Wzór nie pasuje do rodzaju — na pewno zapisać?"
msgstr "The pattern doesn't match the gender — save anyway?"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:766
msgid "Na pewno usunąć leksem?"
msgstr "Do you want to delete this lexeme?"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:772
msgid "Usunięcie leksemu"
msgstr "Lexeme deletion"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:968
msgid "wszystkie sposoby odmiany"
msgstr "all inflections"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:971
msgid "wszystkie odsyłacze"
msgstr "all cross-references"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:975
msgid "atrybuty"
msgstr "attributes"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:980
msgid "klasyfikacje"
msgstr "classifications"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:984
msgid "Zostaną usunięte:"
msgstr "Those will be removed:"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:1039
msgid "Zapisanie domyślnego słownika"
msgstr "Default dictionary record"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:1049
msgid "Utworzenie leksemu"
msgstr "Creation of a new lexeme"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:1063
msgid "Sklonowanie leksemu"
msgstr "Lexeme cloning"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:1078
msgid "Pobranie liczby homonimów"
msgstr "Homonym query"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:1134
msgid "Sprawdzenie homonimów"
msgstr "Homonym check"

#: static/js/lexeme-edit.js:1143
msgid "Brak pasujących leksemów."
msgstr "No matching lexemes."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:71
msgid "nr"
msgstr "id"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:75
msgid "hasło"
msgstr "entry"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:79
msgid "kl. gr."
msgstr "lex. cl."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:84 static/js/lexeme-view.js.c:151
msgid "POS"
msgstr "POS"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:89
msgid "wzory"
msgstr "patterns"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:94
msgid "rdz."
msgstr "gnr."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:100
msgid "słowniki"
msgstr "dictionaries"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:104
msgid "sł. właściciel"
msgstr "owner dict."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:108
msgid "status"
msgstr "status"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:112
msgid "kwal."
msgstr "qual."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:132
msgid "Leksemy"
msgstr "Lexemes"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:135
msgid "leksem"
msgid_plural "leksemy"
msgstr[0] "lexeme"
msgstr[1] "lexemes"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:143
msgid "Hasło"
msgstr "Entry"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:145
msgid "Klasa gramatyczna"
msgstr "Lexical class"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:156
msgid "Wzór"
msgstr "Pattern"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:158
msgid "Liczba wzorów"
msgstr "Pattern count"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:163
msgid "Typ wzoru"
msgstr "Pattern type"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:169
msgid "Rodzaj"
msgstr "Gender"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:174
msgid "Liczba rodzajów"
msgstr "Gender count"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:175
msgid "Forma"
msgstr "Form"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:177
msgid "Słownik"
msgstr "Dictionary"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:183
msgid "Słownik właściciel"
msgstr "Owner dictionary"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:189
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:194
msgid "Komentarz"
msgstr "Comment"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:196
msgid "Kwal. leksemu"
msgstr "Lexeme qual."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:202
msgid "Kwal. odmieniasia"
msgstr "Inflection qual."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:208
msgid "Kwal. przy dow. formie"
msgstr "Any qualifier"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:214
msgid "Kwal. z Dor."
msgstr "Dor. qual."

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:216
msgid "Wartość klasyfikacji"
msgstr "Classification value"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:222
msgid "Źródło zapożyczenia"
msgstr "Borrowing source"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:227
msgid "Glosa"
msgstr "Gloss"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:228
msgid "Nota"
msgstr "Note"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:230
msgid "Nota rozszerzona"
msgstr "Extended note"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:234
msgid "Wymowa"
msgstr "Pronunciation"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:235
msgid "Łączliwość"
msgstr "Valence"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:237
msgid "Typ odsyłacza"
msgstr "Cross-reference type"

#: static/js/lexeme-view.js:243
msgid "Autor ostatniej zmiany"
msgstr "Last change's author"

#: static/js/reader-view.js:45
msgid "Kwalifikator"
msgstr "Qualifier"

#: static/js/reader-view.js:46
msgid "Pospolitość"
msgstr "Commonness"

#~ msgid "Atrybut"
#~ msgstr "Attribute"

#~ msgid "Nr"
#~ msgstr "№"

#~ msgid "Rodzaj/aspekt"
#~ msgstr "Gender/aspect"

#~ msgid "Kwal. styl."
#~ msgstr "Styl. qual."

#~ msgid "Kwal. zakr."
#~ msgstr "Scope qual."

#~ msgid "Część mowy"
#~ msgstr "Part of speech"