Name Last Update
CclExtractor Loading commit data...
PLWNGraphBuilder Loading commit data...
Resolver Loading commit data...
tools Loading commit data...
wosedon Loading commit data... Loading commit data...

Before installing WoSeDon the following libraries must be installed:

  • CGAL installed using

    sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev
  • cairomm installed using

    sudo apt-get install libcairomm-1.0-dev
  • pycairo installed by cloning/downloading the repository at then running

    sudo python install

    in its main directory

  • sparsehash installed using

    sudo apt-get install libsparsehash-dev
  • graphtool downloaded from and installed by following the instructions in the included README. WARNING: the installation is very resource-intensive and takes a really long time

ALTERNATIVELY in recent Ubuntu distributions (xenial, yakkety, zesty) one can add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list (this requires root privileges)
deb DISTRIBUTION universe
deb-src DISTRIBUTION universe
where DISTRIBUTION stands for the distribution name (xenial, yakkety, or zesty) and then run

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 612DEFB798507F25
apt-get install python-graph-tool

WoSeDon can be run interactively from the subdirectory wosedon (which should contain the cfg and resources directories among other things) using

wosedon -i  

for example

cat test.ccl | wosedon -i

The input needs to use the CCL format.

PLEASE NOTE: to run wosedon from a different directory it is necessary to modify the configuration file wosedon/cfg/wosedon.ini and replace the line
plwn_graph_file = resources/plwn_graph
plwn_graph_file = <absolute_path_to_resources_directory>/plwn_graph
Afterwards one can run wosedon anywhere by executing

wosedon -c <path_to_configuration_file> -i

For an example usage of WoSeDon's server mode (in OCaml) see wosedon/

Below are the contents of the original README file.

Poprawne działanie WoSeDona wymaga zainstalowania modułu PLWNGraphBuilder oraz wosedon.

I) Instalacja PLWNGraphBuilder'a, będąc w aktualnym katalogu, wydać polecenie:

cd PLWNGraphBuilder; sudo python install; cd ..

II) Instalacja wosedona, będąc w aktualnym katalogu, wydać polecenie:

cd wosedon; sudo python install; cd ..

II) Jeśli instalacja przebiegła pomyslne, to po wpisaniu w konsoli polecenia: wosedon Powinien ukazać się komunikat zbliżony do tego:

usage: wosedon [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-md MODEL_DIR] [-it] [-a ALPHA] [-V] -f CCL [-r RELCCL] [-o OUT_FILE] [-b] [-vd VISUALISATION_DIR] wosedon: error: argument -f/--cclfile is required