Name Last Update
config Loading commit data...
eval Loading commit data...
notes Loading commit data...
src/NLP/Concraft Loading commit data...
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.gitignore Loading commit data...
LICENSE Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
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concraft-pl.cabal Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
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nkjp-model-0.2.gz Loading commit data...
stack.yaml Loading commit data...

The instructions below apply to modern systems with the following caveats:

  • Before running stack install it might be necessary to execute stack setup in order to install the correct version of ghc.

  • Maca can be installed using the instructions on with the following exceptions:

    • The package libboost-all-dev can be installed in place of libboost1.42-all-dev as the latter might be unavailable.
    • It might also be necessary to install ncurses using

      sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
    • Instead of using adding Bartosz Zaborowski's repository one can download Morfeusz directly from

    • Before installing SFST in lines 445 and 449 of maca/third_party/SFST-1.2/SFST/src/fst.C the identifier it must be replaced with iter (or any other non-conflicting identifier).

    • Additionally with newer versions of boost the following changes become necessary:

      • before installing Corpus 2
        • in line 25 of corpus2/learn_to_guess/main.cpp the type ifstream must be replaced with std::ifstream
      • before installing Toki

        • in lines 223-224 of toki/tests/compare.cpp the call
          boost::unit_test::make_test_case(boost::bind(test_one_item, ci), name)
          must be replaced with
          boost::unit_test::make_test_case(boost::bind(test_one_item, ci), name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
        • in line 105 of toki/tests/srx.cpp BOOST_MESSAGE must be replaced with BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE
      • before installing Maca

        • in line 100 of maca/tests/compareconv.cpp BOOST_MESSAGE must be replaced with BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE
        • in lines 207-208 of maca/tests/compareconv.cpp the call
          boost::unit_test::make_test_case(boost::bind(test_one_item, ci), name)
          must be replaced with
          boost::unit_test::make_test_case(boost::bind(test_one_item, ci), name, __FILE__, __LINE__)

After Concraft is successfully installed its executable can be found in ~/.local/bin
For an example usage of Concraft's server-client mode (in OCaml) see

Below are the contents of the original README file.


This package provides a morphosyntactic tagger for the Polish language. The tool combines the following components into a pipeline:

  • A morphosyntactic segmentation and analysis tool Maca,
  • A morphosyntactic disambiguation library Concraft,

As for now, the tagger doesn't provide any lemmatisation capabilities. As a result, it may output multiple interpretations (all related to the same morphosyntactic tag, but with different lemmas) for some known words, while for the out-of-vocabulary words it just outputs orthographic forms as lemmas.

See the homepage if you wish to download a pre-trained model for the Polish language.


It is recommanded to install Concraft-pl using the Haskell Tool Stack, which you will need to downoload and install on your machine beforehand. Then clone this repository into a local directory and use stack to install the library by running:

stack install

Unless you plan to use a custom preprocessing pipeline or run Maca on a different machine (see section Tagging analysed data), you will also need the Maca tool. A detailed installation guide can be found on the Maca homepage.

Data format

The current version of Concraft-pl works on a simple plain text format supported by the Corpus2 tools. You will have to install these tools when you install Maca anyway, so you can use them to convert the output generated by Concraft-pl to one of other formats supported by Corpus2.


If you have the training material with disambiguation annotations (stored in the plain text format) you can train the Concraft-pl model yourself.

concraft-pl train train.plain -e eval.plain -o model.gz

Concraft-pl uses the NKJP morphosyntactic tagset definition by default. It will also reanalyse the input data before the actual training. If you want to change this behaviour, use the --tagset and --noana command-line options.

Consider using runtime system options. You can speed up processing by making use of multiple cores by using the -N option. The -s option will produce the runtime statistics, such as the time spent in the garbage collector. If the program is spending too much time collecting garbage, you can try to increase the allocation area size with the -A option. If you have a big dataset and it doesn't fit in the computer memory, use the --disk flag. For example, to train the model using four threads and 256M allocation area size, run:

concraft-pl train train.plain -e eval.plain -o model.gz +RTS -N4 -A256M -s

Run concraft-pl train --help to learn more about the program arguments and possible training options.

Finally, you may consider pruning the resultant model in order to reduce its size. Features with values close to 0 (in log-domain) have little effect on the modeled probability and, therefore, it should be safe to discard them.

concraft-pl prune -t 0.05 input-model.gz pruned-model.gz


Once you have a Concraft-pl model you can use the following command tag input.txt file:

concraft-pl tag model.gz < input.txt > output.plain

The input file is first divided into paragraphs (the tool interprets empty lines as paragraph ending markers). After that, Maca is used to segment and analyse each paragraph. Finally, Concraft module is used to disambiguate each sentence in the Maca output.

With the --marginals option enabled, Concraft-pl will output marginal probabilities corresponding to individual tags (determined on the basis of the disambiguation model) instead of disamb markers.

Run concraft-pl tag --help to learn more about possible tagging options.


Concraft-pl provides also a client/server mode. It is handy when, for example, you need to tag a large collection of small files. Loading Concraft-pl model from a disk takes considerable amount of time which makes the tagging method described above very slow in such a setting.

To start the Concraft-pl server, run:

concraft-pl server --inmodel model.gz

You can supply a custom port number using a --port option. For example, to run the server on the 10101 port, use the following command:

concraft-pl server --inmodel model.gz --port 10101

To use the server in a multi-threaded environment, you need to specify the -N RTS option. A set of options which usually yields good server performance is presented in the following example:

concraft-pl server --inmodel model.gz +RTS -N -A4M -qg1 -I0

Run concraft-pl server --help to learn more about possible server-mode options.

The client mode works just like the tagging mode. The only difference is that, instead of supplying your client with a model, you need to specify the port number (in case you used a custom one when starting the server; otherwise, the default port number will be used).

concraft-pl client --port 10101 < input.txt > output.plain

Run concraft-pl client --help to learn more about possible client-mode options.

Tagging analysed data

In some situations you might want to feed Concraft-pl with a previously analysed data. Perhaps your Maca instance is installed on a different machine, or maybe you want to use Concraft-pl with a custom preprocessing pipeline.

If you want to use a preprocessing pipeline significantly different from the standard one (Maca), you should first train your own Concraft model. To train the model on analysed data use the --noana training flag.

Use the same --noana flag when you want to tag analysed data. Input format should be the same as the output format. This option is currently not supported in the client/server mode.

Remember to use the same preprocessing pipeline (segmentation + analysis) for both training and disambiguation. Inconsistencies between training material and input data may severely harm the quality of disambiguation.