Before installing WoSeDon the following libraries must be installed:
CGAL installed using
sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev
cairomm installed using
sudo apt-get install libcairomm-1.0-dev
pycairo installed by cloning/downloading the repository at then running
sudo python install
in its main directory
sparsehash installed using
sudo apt-get install libsparsehash-dev
graphtool downloaded from and installed by following the instructions in the included README. WARNING: the installation is very resource-intensive and takes a really long time
ALTERNATIVELY in recent Ubuntu distributions (xenial, yakkety, zesty) one can add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list (this requires root privileges)
deb DISTRIBUTION universe
deb-src DISTRIBUTION universe
stands for the distribution name (xenial, yakkety, or zesty) and then run
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 612DEFB798507F25
apt-get install python-graph-tool
WoSeDon can be run interactively from the subdirectory wosedon (which should contain the cfg and resources directories among other things) using
wosedon -i
for example
cat test.ccl | wosedon -i
The input needs to use the CCL format.
PLEASE NOTE: to run wosedon from a different directory it is necessary to modify the configuration file wosedon/cfg/wosedon.ini and replace the line
plwn_graph_file = resources/plwn_graph
plwn_graph_file = <absolute_path_to_resources_directory>/plwn_graph
Afterwards one can run wosedon anywhere by executing
wosedon -c <path_to_configuration_file> -i
For an example usage of WoSeDon's server mode (in OCaml) see wosedon/
Below are the contents of the original README file.
Poprawne działanie WoSeDona wymaga zainstalowania modułu PLWNGraphBuilder oraz wosedon.
I) Instalacja PLWNGraphBuilder'a, będąc w aktualnym katalogu, wydać polecenie:
cd PLWNGraphBuilder; sudo python install; cd ..
II) Instalacja wosedona, będąc w aktualnym katalogu, wydać polecenie:
cd wosedon; sudo python install; cd ..
II) Jeśli instalacja przebiegła pomyslne, to po wpisaniu w konsoli polecenia: wosedon Powinien ukazać się komunikat zbliżony do tego:
usage: wosedon [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-md MODEL_DIR] [-it] [-a ALPHA] [-V] -f CCL [-r RELCCL] [-o OUT_FILE] [-b] [-vd VISUALISATION_DIR] wosedon: error: argument -f/--cclfile is required