ENIAMvalence2.ml 12.7 KB
 *  ENIAMlexSemantics is a library that assigns tokens with lexicosemantic information.
 *  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Wojciech Jaworski <wjaworski atSPAMfree mimuw dot edu dot pl>
 *  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences
 *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

open ENIAM_LCGtypes
open ENIAMwalTypes

let arg_of_ctype = function
    Int -> Atom "int"
  | Rel -> Atom "rel"
  (* | Sub -> LCGtypes.Atom "sub"
  | Coord -> LCGtypes.Atom "coord" *)
  | CompTypeUndef -> Top
  (* | CompTypeAgr -> LCGtypes.AVar "ctype" *)

let render_number = function
    Number n -> Atom n
  | NumberUndef -> Top
  | NumberAgr -> Top

let render_negation = function
    Negation -> Atom "neg"
  | Aff -> Atom "aff"
  | NegationUndef -> Top

let render_pos_entry = function
    "subst" ->  [Atom "subst"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | "ppron12" ->  [Atom "ppron12"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | "ppron3" ->  [Atom "ppron3"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | "siebie" ->  [Atom "siebie"; AVar "case"]
  | "num" -> [Atom "num"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | "intnum" -> [Atom "num"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | "prep" ->  [Atom "prep"; AVar "case"]
  | "adj" -> [Atom "adj"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "grad"]
  | "adv" -> [Atom "adv"; AVar "grad"]
  | "ger" ->  [Atom "ger"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"; AVar "negation"]
  | "pact" ->  [Atom "pact"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "negation"]
  | "ppas" ->  [Atom "ppas"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "negation"]
  | "inf" ->  [Atom "inf"; AVar "aspect"; AVar "negation"]
  | "qub" ->  [Atom "qub"]
  | "compar" ->  [Atom "compar"; AVar "case"]
  | "comp" ->  [Atom "comp"; AVar "ctype"]
  | "fin" ->  [Atom "pers"; AVar "negation"]
  | "praet" ->  [Atom "pers"; AVar "negation"]
  | "pred" ->  [Atom "pers"; AVar "negation"]
  | "winien" ->  [Atom "pers"; AVar "negation"]
  | "bedzie" ->  [Atom "pers"; AVar "negation"]
  | s -> print_endline ("render_pos_entry: " ^ s); []

let render_pos = function (* wprowadzam uzgodnienia a nie wartości cech, bo wartości cech są wprowadzane przez leksem a uzgodnienia wiążą je z wartościami u nadrzędnika *)
  | SUBST(number,Case case) -> [Atom "subst"; render_number number; Atom case; Top; Top]
  | SUBST(_,NomAgr) -> [Atom "subst"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | SUBST(_,GenAgr) -> [Atom "subst"; AVar "number"; Atom "gen"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | SUBST(_,AllAgr) -> [Atom "subst"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | SUBST(number,CaseAgr) -> [Atom "subst"; render_number number; AVar "case"; Top; Top]
  | SUBST(_,CaseUndef) -> [Atom "subst"; Top; Top; Top; Top]
  | PPRON12(number,Case case) -> [Atom "ppron12"; render_number number; Atom case; Top; Top]
  | PPRON3(number,Case case) -> [Atom "ppron3"; render_number number; Atom case; Top; Top]
  | SIEBIE(Case case) -> [Atom "siebie"; Atom case]
  | NUM(Case case,_) -> [Atom "num"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top]
  | NUM(NomAgr,_) -> [Atom "num"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
(*  | NUM(CaseAgr,_) -> [Atom "num"; Top; AVar "case"; Top; Top]
    | NUM(CaseUndef,_) -> [Atom "num"; Top; Top; Top; Top]*)
  | PREP(Case case) -> [Atom "prep"; Atom case]
  | ADJ(_,Case case,_,Grad grad) -> [Atom "adj"; Top; Atom case; Top; Atom grad]
(*  | ADJ(_,NomAgr,_,_) -> [Atom "adj"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"]
    | ADJ(_,CaseAgr,_,_) -> [Atom "adj"; Top; AVar "case"; Top]*)
  | ADJ(_,CaseUndef,_,Grad grad) -> [Atom "adj"; Top; Top; Top; Atom grad]
  | ADJ(_,AllAgr,_,Grad grad) -> [Atom "adj"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; Atom grad]
  | ADJ(_,AllAgr,_,GradUndef) -> [Atom "adj"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; Top]
  | ADV (Grad grad) -> [Atom "adv"; Atom grad]
  | ADV GradUndef -> [Atom "adv"; Top]
  | GER(_,Case case,_,_,neg) -> [Atom "ger"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top; render_negation neg]
(*  | GER(_,NomAgr,_,_,_) -> [Atom "ger"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
  | GER(_,CaseAgr,_,_,_) -> [Atom "ger"; Top; AVar "case"; Top; Top]
  | GER(_,CaseUndef,_,_,_) -> [Atom "ger"; Top; Top; Top; Top]
  | PACT(_,Case case,_,_,_) -> [Atom "pact"; Top; Atom case; Top]
    | PACT(_,NomAgr,_,_,_) -> [Atom "pact"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"]*)
  | PACT(_,AllAgr,_,_,neg) -> [Atom "pact"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; render_negation neg]
(*    | PACT(_,CaseAgr,_,_,_) -> [Atom "pact"; Top; AVar "case"; Top]*)
  | PPAS(_,Case case,_,_,neg) -> [Atom "ppas"; Top; Atom case; Top; render_negation neg]
  | PPAS(_,CaseUndef,_,_,neg) -> [Atom "ppas"; Top; Top; Top; render_negation neg]
  (*  | PPAS(_,NomAgr,_,_,_) -> [Atom "ppas"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"]*)
  | PPAS(_,AllAgr,_,_,neg) -> [Atom "ppas"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; render_negation neg]
(*    | PPAS(_,CaseAgr,_,_,_) -> [Atom "ppas"; Top; AVar "case"; Top]*)
  | INF(Aspect aspect,neg) -> [Atom "inf"; Atom aspect; render_negation neg]
  | INF(AspectUndef,neg) -> [Atom "inf"; Top; render_negation neg]
  | QUB -> [Atom "qub"]
  | COMPAR (Case case) -> [Atom "compar"; Atom case]
  | COMP ctype -> [Atom "comp"; arg_of_ctype ctype]
  | PERS neg -> [Atom "pers"; render_negation neg]
  | pos -> print_endline ("render_pos: " ^ ENIAMwalStringOf.pos pos); []

let render_phrase = function
      NP(Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "np"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top]
    | NP NomAgr -> Tensor[Atom "np"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
(*    | NP GenAgr -> Tensor[Atom "np"; AVar "number"; Atom "gen"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
      | NP AllAgr -> Tensor[Atom "np"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]*)
    | NP CaseAgr -> Tensor[Atom "np"; Top; AVar "case"; Top; Top]
(*    | NP CaseUndef -> Tensor[Atom "np"; Top; Top; Top; Top]
        | PrepNP("",CaseUndef) -> Tensor[Atom "prepnp"; Top; Top]*)
    | PrepNP(prep,Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "prepnp"; Atom prep; Atom case]
    | AdjP(Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "adjp"; Top; Atom case; Top]
(*      | AdjP NomAgr -> Tensor[Atom "adjp"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"]*)
    | AdjP AllAgr -> Tensor[Atom "adjp"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"]
(*    | AdjP CaseAgr -> Tensor[Atom "adjp"; Top; AVar "case"; Top]
      | PrepAdjP("",CaseUndef) -> Tensor[Atom "prepnp"; Top; Top]*)
    | PrepAdjP(prep,Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "prepadjp"; Atom prep; Atom case]
    (* | NumP(Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "nump"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top]
    | NumP NomAgr -> Tensor[Atom "nump"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
    | NumP CaseAgr -> Tensor[Atom "nump"; Top; AVar "case"; Top; Top]
    | NumP CaseUndef -> Tensor[Atom "nump"; Top; Top; Top; Top]
    | PrepNumP(_,"",CaseUndef) -> Tensor[Atom "prepnp"; Top; Top]
    | PrepNumP(_,prep,Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "prepnump"; Atom prep; Atom case] *)
(*      | ComprepNP("") -> Tensor[Atom "comprepnp"; Top]*)
    | ComprepNP(prep) -> Tensor[Atom "comprepnp"; Atom prep]
    | ComparP(prep,Case case) -> Tensor[Atom "comparnp"; Atom prep; Atom case]
    (* | ComparPP(_,prep) -> Tensor[Atom "comparpp"; Atom prep] *)
    (* | IP -> Tensor[Atom "ip";Top;Top;Top] *)
    | CP (ctype,Comp comp) -> Tensor[Atom "cp"; arg_of_ctype ctype; Atom comp]
    (*    | CP (ctype,CompUndef) -> Tensor[Atom "cp"; arg_of_ctype ctype; Top]*)
    | NCP(Case case,ctype,Comp comp) -> Tensor[Atom "ncp"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top; arg_of_ctype ctype; Atom comp]
    (*    | NCP(Case case,CompTypeUndef,CompUndef) -> Tensor[Atom "ncp"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top; Top; Top]*)
    | NCP(NomAgr,ctype,Comp comp) -> Tensor[Atom "ncp"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"; arg_of_ctype ctype; Atom comp]
    (*  | NCP(NomAgr,CompTypeUndef,CompUndef) -> Tensor[Atom "ncp"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"; Top; Top]*)
    | PrepNCP(prep,Case case,ctype,Comp comp) -> Tensor[Atom "prepncp"; Atom prep; Atom case; arg_of_ctype ctype; Atom comp]
    | InfP(Aspect aspect) -> Tensor[Atom "infp"; Atom aspect]
    | InfP AspectUndef -> Tensor[Atom "infp"; Top]
    (* | PadvP -> Tensor[Atom "padvp"] *)
    | AdvP "misc" -> Tensor[Atom "advp"; Top] (* FIXME: a może Atom "mod" zamiast Top *)
    | AdvP mode -> Tensor[Atom "advp"; Atom mode]
    | FixedP lex -> Tensor[Atom "fixed"; Atom lex]
    (* | PrepP -> Tensor[Atom "prepp";Top]
    | Prep("",CaseAgr) -> Tensor[Atom "prep"; Top; AVar "case"]
    | Prep("",CaseUAgr) -> Tensor[Atom "prep"; Top; AVar "ucase"]
    | Num(AllAgr,Acm acm) -> Tensor[Atom "num"; AVar "number"; AVar "case"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"; Atom acm]
    | Measure(AllUAgr) -> Tensor[Atom "measure"; AVar "unumber"; AVar "ucase"; AVar "ugender"; AVar "uperson"] *)
    | Or -> Tensor[Atom "or"]
            (*    | Qub -> Tensor[Atom "qub"]*)
    (* | Inclusion -> Tensor[Atom "inclusion"]
    | Adja -> Tensor[Atom "adja"]
    | Aglt -> Tensor[Atom "aglt"; AVar "number"; AVar "person"]
    | AuxPast -> Tensor[Atom "aux-past"; AVar "number"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
    | AuxFut -> Tensor[Atom "aux-fut"; AVar "number"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
    | AuxImp -> Tensor[Atom "aux-imp"]
    | Pro -> One
        | ProNG -> One *)
    | E Or -> Tensor[Atom "or"]
    | E (CP(CompTypeUndef,CompUndef)) -> Tensor[Atom "cp"; Top; Top]
    | E (NCP(NomAgr,CompTypeUndef,CompUndef)) -> Tensor[Atom "ncp"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"; Top; Top]
    | E (NP(NomAgr)) -> Tensor[Atom "np"; AVar "number"; Atom "nom"; AVar "gender"; AVar "person"]
    | E (PrepNP(prep,Case case)) -> Tensor[Atom "prepnp"; Atom prep; Atom case]
    | E (NP(Case case)) -> Tensor[Atom "np"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top]
    | E (NCP(Case case,CompTypeUndef,CompUndef)) -> Tensor[Atom "ncp"; Top; Atom case; Top; Top; Top; Top]
    | E (PrepNCP(prep,Case case,CompTypeUndef,CompUndef)) -> Tensor[Atom "prepncp"; Atom prep; Atom case; Top; Top]
    | phrase -> print_endline ("render_phrase: " ^ ENIAMwalStringOf.phrase phrase); Tensor []

let render_morf = function
    | Null -> One
    (* | X -> Tensor[Atom "X"]
       | Lex lex -> Tensor[Atom lex] *)
    | LexArg(id,lex,pos) -> Tensor([Atom "lex";Atom (string_of_int id);Atom lex] @ render_pos pos)
    | SimpleLexArg(lex,pos) -> Tensor([Atom "lex";Atom lex] @ render_pos pos)
    | phrase -> render_phrase phrase

let render_schema schema =
  Xlist.map schema (fun p ->
      Both,Plus(Xlist.map p.morfs render_morf))

let render_simple_schema schema =
  Xlist.map schema (fun morfs ->
      Both,Plus(Xlist.map morfs render_morf))

(* FIXME: tu trzeba by dodać zwykłe reguły dla czasowników dotyczące ich negacji, aglutynatu itp. *)
let render_lex_entry = function
    SimpleLexEntry(lemma,pos) -> [Tensor([Atom "lex";Atom lemma] @ render_pos_entry pos)]
  | LexEntry(id,lemma,pos,NoRestr,schema) ->
    [ImpSet(Tensor([Atom "lex";Atom (string_of_int id);Atom lemma] @ render_pos_entry pos),render_schema schema)]
    (*Xlist.map (transform_entry pos lemma NegationUndef PredFalse AspectUndef schema) (fun (sel,schema) ->
  | ComprepNPEntry(prep,NoRestr,schema) -> [ImpSet(Tensor[Atom "comprepnp"; Atom prep],render_schema schema)]
    (*Xlist.map (transform_entry "comprep" s NegationUndef PredFalse AspectUndef schema) (fun (sel,schema) ->
  | LexEntry(id,lemma,pos,_,[]) (*as entry*) ->
    [ImpSet(Tensor([Atom "lex";Atom (string_of_int id);Atom lemma] @ render_pos_entry pos),[Both,Tensor[AVar "schema"]])]
  | entry -> print_endline ("render_entry:" ^ ENIAMwalStringOf.lex_entry entry); [(*[],entry*)]

(* let schemata,entries = ENIAMvalence.prepare_all_valence ENIAMwalParser.phrases ENIAMwalParser.schemata ENIAMwalParser.entries *)

(* let _ =
  (* Entries.map schemata (fun pos lemma (selectors,schema) ->
      (* Printf.printf "%s %s %s\n" pos lemma (ENIAMwalStringOf.schema schema); *)
      render_schema schema) *)
    Entries.map entries (fun pos lemma (selectors,entry) ->
        (* Printf.printf "%s %s %s\n" pos lemma (ENIAMwalStringOf.schema schema); *)
        selectors,render_lex_entry entry) *)