FullPipelineSpanish.java 2.78 KB
package examples;

import is2.data.SentenceData09;
import is2.io.CONLLWriter09;
import is2.lemmatizer.Lemmatizer;

import is2.parser.Parser;
import is2.tag.Tagger;
import is2.tools.Tool;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * @author Bernd Bohnet, 13.09.2010
 * Illustrates the application the full pipeline: lemmatizer, morphologic, tagger, and parser
public class FullPipelineSpanish {

	//	shows how to parse a sentences and call the tools
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		// Create a data container for a sentence
		SentenceData09 i = new SentenceData09();

		if (args.length==1) { // input might be a sentence: "This is another test ." 
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(args[0]);
			ArrayList<String> forms = new ArrayList<String>();
			while(st.hasMoreTokens()) forms.add(st.nextToken());
			i.init(forms.toArray(new String[0]));
		} else {
			// provide a default sentence: Haus has a mutated vowel
			i.init(new String[] {"<root>","También","estuve","emocionado","pero","no","pude","imaginar","mi","vida","sin","la",


		// lemmatizing
		System.out.println("\nReading the model of the lemmatizer");
		Tool lemmatizer = new Lemmatizer("models/lemma-spa.model");  // create a lemmatizer
		System.out.println("Applying the lemmatizer");

		System.out.print("Lemmata: "); for (String l : i.plemmas) System.out.print(l+" "); System.out.println();
		// morphologic tagging
		System.out.println("\nReading the model of the morphologic tagger");
		is2.mtag.Tagger morphTagger = new is2.mtag.Tagger("models/mtag-spa.model");
		System.out.println("\nApplying the morpholoigc tagger");
		System.out.print("Morph: "); for (String f : i.pfeats) System.out.print(f+" "); System.out.println();
		// part-of-speech tagging
		System.out.println("\nReading the model of the part-of-speech tagger");
		Tool tagger = new Tagger("models/tag-spa.model");

		System.out.println("\nApplying the part-of-speech tagger");

		System.out.print("Part-of-Speech tags: "); for (String p : i.ppos) System.out.print(p+" "); System.out.println();
		// parsing
		System.out.println("\nReading the model of the dependency parser");
		Tool parser = new Parser("models/prs-spa.model");

		System.out.println("\nApplying the parser");

		// write the result to a file
		CONLLWriter09 writer = new is2.io.CONLLWriter09("example-out.txt");
		writer.write(i, CONLLWriter09.NO_ROOT);

