ENIAMdisambiguation.ml 4.94 KB
 *  ENIAMexec implements ENIAM processing stream
 *  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Wojciech Jaworski <wjaworski atSPAMfree mimuw dot edu dot pl>
 *  Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences
 *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

open ENIAMexecTypes
open ENIAM_LCGtypes
open Xstd

let _ = Random.self_init ()

let rec get_nth n = function
    [] -> failwith "get_nth"
  | (i,_) :: l -> if n = 0 then i else get_nth (n-1) l

let rec select_random_rec selection = function
    Ref i -> selection
  | Node t ->
      let selection = select_random_rec selection t.args in
      Xlist.fold t.attrs selection (fun selection (_,t) -> select_random_rec selection t)
  | Variant(e,l) ->
      let selected,selection =
        if StringMap.mem selection e then
          StringMap.find selection e, selection
          let selected =
           if e = "" then Xlist.map l fst
           else [get_nth (Random.int (Xlist.size l)) l] in
          selected, StringMap.add selection e selected in
      (* Printf.printf "select_random_rec: %s [%s]\n%!" e (String.concat ";" selected); *)
      Xlist.fold l selection (fun selection (i,t) ->
        if Xlist.mem selected i then select_random_rec selection t else selection)
  | Tuple l -> Xlist.fold l selection select_random_rec
  | Val _ -> selection
  | Dot -> selection
  | t -> failwith ("select_random_rec: " ^ ENIAM_LCGstringOf.linear_term 0 t)

let select_random tree =
  Int.fold 0 (Array.length tree - 1) StringMap.empty (fun selection i ->
    select_random_rec selection tree.(i))

let rec apply_selection_rec selection = function
    Ref i -> Ref i
  | Node t ->
      Node{t with args=apply_selection_rec selection t.args;
        attrs=Xlist.map t.attrs (fun (k,v) -> k, apply_selection_rec selection v)}
  | Variant(e,l) ->
      if not (StringMap.mem selection e) then Dot
        (*failwith ("apply_selection_rec: unknown label '" ^ e ^ "'")*) else
      let selected = StringMap.find selection e in
      (* Printf.printf "apply_selection_rec: %s [%s]\n%!" e (String.concat ";" selected); *)
      let l = Xlist.fold l [] (fun l (i,t) ->
        if Xlist.mem selected i then (i,t) :: l else l) in
      (match l with
        [] -> (*failwith "apply_selection_rec: empty selection"*) Dot
      | [_,t] -> apply_selection_rec selection t
      | l ->
        let l = Xlist.rev_map l (fun (i,t) ->
          i, apply_selection_rec selection t) in
  | Tuple l ->
      let l = Xlist.rev_map l (apply_selection_rec selection) in
      Tuple(List.rev l)
  | Val s -> Val s
  | Dot -> Dot
  | t -> failwith ("apply_selection_rec: " ^ ENIAM_LCGstringOf.linear_term 0 t)

let apply_selection selection tree =
  let result_tree = Array.make (Array.length tree) Dot in
  Int.iter 0 (Array.length tree - 1) (fun i ->
    result_tree.(i) <- apply_selection_rec selection tree.(i));

let rec make_rearrange_map tree map next = function
    Ref i ->
      if IntMap.mem map i then map,next else
      let map = IntMap.add map i next in
      make_rearrange_map tree map (next+1) tree.(i)
  | Node t -> make_rearrange_map tree map next t.args
  | Variant(e,l) -> Xlist.fold l (map,next) (fun (map,next) (i,t) -> make_rearrange_map tree map next t)
  | Tuple l -> Xlist.fold l (map,next) (fun (map,next) -> make_rearrange_map tree map next)
  | Dot -> map,next
  | t -> failwith ("make_rearrange_map: " ^ ENIAM_LCGstringOf.linear_term 0 t)

let rec rearrange_refs map = function
    Ref i -> Ref (try IntMap.find map i with Not_found -> failwith "rearrange_refs")
  | Node t -> Node{t with args=rearrange_refs map t.args}
  | Variant(e,l) ->
      let l = Xlist.rev_map l (fun (i,t) -> i, rearrange_refs map t) in
      Variant(e,List.rev l)
  | Tuple l ->
      let l = Xlist.rev_map l (rearrange_refs map) in
      Tuple(List.rev l)
  | Dot -> Dot
  | t -> failwith ("make_rearrange_map: " ^ ENIAM_LCGstringOf.linear_term 0 t)

let rearrange_tree tree =
  let map = IntMap.add IntMap.empty 0 0 in
  let map,next = make_rearrange_map tree map 1 tree.(0) in
  let result_tree = Array.make next Dot in
  IntMap.iter map (fun orig res ->
    result_tree.(res) <- rearrange_refs map tree.(orig));

let random_tree tokens lex_sems tree =
  (* print_endline "random_tree"; *)
  let selection = select_random tree in
  let tree = apply_selection selection tree in
  rearrange_tree tree