4.28 KB
#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from import BaseCommand

from import getLuToFrameId, getFrameArgumentToArgumentId

# from wordnet.models import LexicalUnit
# from semantics.models import SemanticFrame

class Command(BaseCommand):
    args = 'none'
    help = ''

    def handle(self, **options):
        c = 0
        lu_to_frame_id = getLuToFrameId()
        frame_argument_to_argument_id = getFrameArgumentToArgumentId()

        pos_translate = {'czasownik': 'verb', 'przymiotnik': 'adj', 'rzeczownik': 'noun'}
        frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id = {}
        for frame in SemanticFrame.objects.filter(next=None, removed=False).all():
            lus = frame.lexical_units.all()
            slowal_id =
            for lu in lus:
                lu_data = (lu.base, pos_translate[lu.pos], lu.sense)
                if lu_data not in lu_to_frame_id:
                    # first type of error -- lexical unit does not exist in unifier
                    print "type 1", lu.base, lu.pos, lu.sense
                    c += 1
                    unifier_id = lu_to_frame_id[lu_data]
                    if slowal_id in frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id:
                        if frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id[slowal_id] != unifier_id:
                            # second type of error -- lexical units from the same frame connected to different frames // frame split in unifier
                            print "type 2", lu.base, lu.pos, lu.sense
                            c += 1
                        frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id[slowal_id] = unifier_id

        # thirt type of error -- lexical units from different frames connected to the same frame // frames joined in unifier
        l = [(s, f) for f, s in frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id.items()]
        l1 = [s for f, s in frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id.items()]
        print len(l1)
        print len(set(l1))
        prev_wal = -1
        prev_uni = -1
        for s, f in sorted(l):
            if s == prev_uni:
                f1 = SemanticFrame.objects.get(id=prev_wal)
                f2 = SemanticFrame.objects.get(id=f)
                print "type3", f1.lexical_units.all(), f2.lexical_units.all()
                c+= 1
            prev_wal = f
            prev_uni = s

        # print c

        print len(frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id)

        # argument_slowal_id_to_unifier_id = {}
        # ATTRIBUTES = ['Source', 'Goal', 'Foreground', 'Background']
        # for frame in SemanticFrame.objects.filter(next=None, removed=False).all():
        #     if in frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id:
        #         corresponding_frame_id = frame_slowal_id_to_unifier_id[]
        #         for argument in frame.complements.all():
        #             roles = argument.roles.all()
        #             if len(roles) == 1:
        #                 role_tag = (roles[0].role, None)
        #             elif len(roles) == 2:
        #                 if roles[0].role in ATTRIBUTES:
        #                     role_tag = (roles[1].role, roles[0].role)
        #                 elif roles[1].role in ATTRIBUTES:
        #                     role_tag = (roles[0].role, roles[1].role)
        #                 else:
        #                     raise MultipleRolesError()
        #             else:
        #                 raise RolesNumberError()
        #             if not in argument_slowal_id_to_unifier_id:
        #                 if role_tag in frame_argument_to_argument_id[corresponding_frame_id]:
        #                     argument_slowal_id_to_unifier_id[] = frame_argument_to_argument_id[corresponding_frame_id][role_tag]
        #                 else:
        #                     # 4th type of error -- changed or no longer existing role tag
        #                     print frame.lexical_units.all(), frame_argument_to_argument_id[corresponding_frame_id].keys(), role_tag
        #                     pass
        #             else:
        #                 raise DoubleError()
        #     else:
        #         pass # type 1 error