utils.py 5.63 KB
from itertools import product

from importer.Phrase import *

from .morph_generation import select_form

PRE, POST = 0, 1
def build_phrase(head, dep, head_type, dep_type):
    order = None
    if head_type == NP:
        if dep_type in (AdjP, LexAdjP, LexPPasP, LexPActP, PossP, LexQub, Fixed,):
            order = PRE
        # LexAdvP: nic więcej
        if dep_type in (NP, LexNP, PrepNP, ComPrepNP, LexPrepNP, LexPrepGerP, CP, LexCP, XP, LexXP, LexAdvP,):
            order = POST
    if head_type == NumP:
        if dep_type in (AdjP, LexAdjP, PossP):
            order = PRE
        # XP: w pół drogi ‹dokądś›
        # NP: na dwóch biegunach ‹kogoś/czegoś›
        if dep_type in (NP, XP,):
            order = POST
    if head_type == AdjP:
        if dep_type in (AdvP, LexAdvP, AdjP, LexAdjP, LexQub,):
            order = PRE
        # NP: pełny czegoś
        # Fixed: samo przez się
        if dep_type in (NP, LexNP, PrepNP, LexPrepNP, XP, LexXP, Compar, LexCompar, Fixed):
            order = POST
    if head_type == AdvP:
        if dep_type in (XP, AdvP,):
            order = PRE
        # LexNP: dalej własnego nosa
        # LexPrepNP: prosto w oczy
        # LexCP: tak, że...
        if dep_type in (LexCompar, NP, LexNP, LexPrepNP, LexCP,):
            order = POST
    if head_type == InfP:
        order = POST
    if head_type == Qub:
        if dep_type in (LexQub,):
            return PRE
    if order == PRE:
        return '{} {}'.format(dep, head)
    if order == POST:
        return '{} {}'.format(head, dep)
        print(head, dep, head_type, dep_type)

def correct_lemma(lemma):
    # TODO see notes
    l = lemma.strip('\'')
    if l == 'bliźnięta':
        return 'bliźnię'
    return l

NUM_LEMMA = { '2' : 'dwa', '3' : 'trzy', '5' : 'pięć', }

def correct_num_lemma(lemma):
    return NUM_LEMMA.get(lemma, lemma)

def correct_pos(lemma, pos):
    if lemma == 'siebie':
        return 'siebie'
    if lemma in ('ja', 'ty', 'my', 'wy'):
        return 'ppron12'
    if lemma == 'on':
        return 'ppron3'
    if lemma == 'oba':
        return 'num'
    if lemma == 'jeden':
        return 'adj'
    return pos

def correct_num(lemma, num):
    if lemma == 'siebie':
        return ''
    if lemma in ('ja', 'ty') and num == '_':
        return 'sg'
    if lemma in ('oba', 'plecy', 'usta',):
        return 'pl'
    if lemma in ('pół', 'półtora'):
        return 'sg'
    # TODO (?)
    if num == 'agr':
        return 'sg'
    # TODO _ -> sg or _ -> sg and pl?
    return num if num != '_' else ['sg', 'pl']

def correct_gend(gend):
    if gend == 'agr':
        return 'm1'
    return gend

# TODO is the mapping for no function correct?
# TODO the mapping should be more complex, e.g. most lex(np)s should be in acc (dać kosza etc.),
# but adjps seem to need nom: chrzest bojowy
    'subj' : { '_' : 'nom', 'aff' : 'nom', 'neg' : 'nom' },
    'obj'  : { '_' : 'acc', 'aff' : 'acc', 'neg' : 'gen' },
    None   : { '_' : 'acc', 'aff' : 'acc', 'neg' : 'gen' },
AGR_CASE = { 'subj' : 'nom', 'obj' : 'acc', None : 'nom' }
def correct_case(case, function, negativity='_'):
    if case == 'str':
        return STR_CASE[function][negativity]
    if case == 'agr':
        return AGR_CASE[function]
    # TODO both gen and acc?
    if case == 'part':
        return 'gen'
    # TODO other cases in case of control?
    if case == 'pred':
        return 'inst'
    if case == 'postp':
        return 'dat'
    return case

def correct_deg(deg):
    # positive degree = positive or no degree at all
    if deg == 'pos':
        return [deg, '']
    if deg == '_':
        return ['pos', 'com', 'sup', '']
    return deg

def correct_congr(lemma):
    if lemma in ('pół', 'półtora'):
        return 'rec'
    # heuristic: if both congr and rec forms available, prefer congr
    # no congr/rec also possible
    return ['congr', 'rec', '']

def correct_aff(aff):
    if aff == '_':
        return ['aff', 'neg']
    return aff

NEG = { '_' : '(nie) ', 'aff' : '', 'neg' : 'nie '}
def correct_neg(neg):
    return NEG[neg]

SIE = { '' : '', 'się' : 'się ', }
def correct_sie(sie):
    return SIE[sie]

def correct_feats(lemma, feats, praep=False):
    if lemma == 'on':
        return feats + ['m1', 'akc', 'praep' if praep else 'npraep']
    if lemma in ('ja', 'ty',):
        return feats + ['m1', ['akc', '']]
    if lemma in ('my', 'wy'):
        return feats + ['m1']
    if lemma == 'oba':
        return feats + ['congr', 'ncol']
    return feats
def get_subst_attrs(lemma, tag):
    feats = tag.split(':')
    if lemma == 'siebie':
        return { 'case' : feats[1] }
    return {'num': feats[1], 'case': feats[2], 'gend' : feats[3]}

def get_gender_for_num(lemma):
    form = get_form(lemma, ['subst', 'sg', 'nom'])
    # 1 or 2 values: ['f'], ['n', 'ncol'], ...
    gend = form[1].split(':')[3:]
    if len(gend) == 2:
        # no col/ncol variant for jeden, wiele itp.
        gend[1] = [gend[1], '']
        # choose ncol for e.g. czterech/czworo m1
        gend = [gend[0], ['ncol', '']]
    return gend

def get_form(lemma, feats):
    if lemma.startswith('E('):
        return ('', 'subst:pl:nom:{}'.format(lemma.strip('E()')))
    lemma_feats = [f(lemma) if hasattr(f, '__call__') else f for f in feats]
    return select_form(lemma, lemma_feats)

def get_forms(lemma, feats):
    lemma_feats = [f(lemma) if hasattr(f, '__call__') else f for f in feats]
    lemma_feats = [[f] if type(f) == str else f for f in lemma_feats]
    ret = []
    for feats in product(*lemma_feats):
            ret.append(select_form(lemma, feats))
    if ret:
        return ret