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#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

class Relation:

    def __init__(self, type, argument_type, to):
        self._type = type
        self._argument_type = argument_type
        self._to = to

    def fromTree(cls, tree):
        type = tree._children[0]._children[0]._attrs['value']
        argument_type = tree._children[1]._children[0]._attrs['type']
        to = tree._children[1]._children[0]._attrs['sameAs'][1:]
        if argument_type != 'argument':
            print argument_type, to
            raise UnknownError()
        return cls(type, argument_type, to)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self._type + '->' + unicode(self._to._semantic_role)

class SelectionalPreference:

    def __init__(self, type, value):
        self._type = type
        self._value = value

    def forType(cls, type, values):
        result = []
        reference_to_solve = []
        if type == 'predef':
            for value in values:
                result.append(cls(type, value._attrs['value']))
        elif type == 'synset':
            for value in values:
                result.append(cls(type, value._attrs['value']))
        elif type == 'relation':
            for value in values:
                x = Relation.fromTree(value)
                result.append(cls(type, x))
            print type, values
            raise UnknownError()
        return result, reference_to_solve
        # return [cls(type, value._attrs['value']) for value in values]
    def fromTree(cls, tree):
        preferences = []
        references = []
        for subtree in tree._children[0]._children:
            new_preferences, new_references = cls.forType(subtree._attrs['name'][:-1], subtree._children[0]._children)
            preferences += new_preferences
            references += new_references
        return preferences, references

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(self._value)
class SemanticRole:

    def __init__(self, value, attribute=None):
        self._value = value
        self._attribute = attribute

    def __unicode__(self):
        if self._attribute is None:
            return self._value.lower()
            return '(' + self._value.lower() + '-' + self._attribute.lower() + ')'
class Argument:

    def __init__(self, semantic_role, selectional_preferences, references, id):
        self._frame = None
        self._semantic_role = semantic_role
        self._selectional_preferences = selectional_preferences
        self._references = references
        self._id = id
    def fromTree(cls, tree):
        id = tree._attrs['xml:id']
        attribute = None
        selectional_preferences = []
        references = []

        for subtree in tree._children:
            if subtree._attrs['name'] == 'role':
                role = subtree._children[0]._attrs['value']
            elif subtree._attrs['name'] == 'role_attribute':
                attribute = subtree._children[0]._attrs['value']
            elif subtree._attrs['name'] == 'sel_prefs':
                selectional_preferences, references = SelectionalPreference.fromTree(subtree)
                print subtree._attrs['name']
                raise UnknownError()

        semantic_role = SemanticRole(role, attribute)
        return cls(semantic_role, selectional_preferences, references, id)

    def getId(self):
        return self._id

    def prolog(self):
        return unicode(self._semantic_role)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(self._semantic_role) + '[' + ','.join([unicode(pref) for pref in self._selectional_preferences]) + ']'