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 * The Class MtasBitOutputStream.
public class MtasBitOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {

  /** The bit buffer. */
<span class="fc" id="L12">  private int bitBuffer = 0;</span>

  /** The bit count. */
<span class="fc" id="L15">  private int bitCount = 0;</span>

   * Instantiates a new mtas bit output stream.
<span class="fc" id="L20">  public MtasBitOutputStream() {</span>
    // do nothing
<span class="fc" id="L22">  }</span>

   * Write bit.
   * @param value the value
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void writeBit(int value) throws IOException {
<span class="fc" id="L31">    writeBit(value, 1);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L32">  }</span>

   * Write bit.
   * @param value the value
   * @param number the number
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void writeBit(int value, int number) throws IOException {
<span class="fc" id="L42">    int localNumber = number;</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L43" title="All 2 branches covered.">    while (localNumber &gt; 0) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L44">      localNumber--;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L45">      bitBuffer |= ((value &amp; 1) &lt;&lt; bitCount++);</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L46" title="All 2 branches covered.">      if (bitCount == 8) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L47">        createByte();</span>
<span class="fc" id="L50">  }</span>

   * Write elias gamma coding integer.
   * @param value the value
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void writeEliasGammaCodingInteger(int value) throws IOException {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L59" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">    if (value &gt;= 0) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L60">      writeEliasGammaCodingPositiveInteger(2 * value + 1);</span>
    } else {
<span class="nc" id="L62">      writeEliasGammaCodingPositiveInteger(-2 * value);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L64">  }</span>

   * Write elias gamma coding non negative integer.
   * @param value the value
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void writeEliasGammaCodingNonNegativeInteger(int value)
      throws IOException {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L74" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">    if (value &gt;= 0) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L75">      writeEliasGammaCodingPositiveInteger(value + 1);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L77">  }</span>

   * Write elias gamma coding positive integer.
   * @param value the value
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void writeEliasGammaCodingPositiveInteger(int value)
      throws IOException {
<span class="pc bpc" id="L87" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">    if (value &gt; 0) {</span>
<span class="fc bfc" id="L88" title="All 2 branches covered.">      if (value == 1) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L89">        writeBit(1);</span>
      } else {
<span class="fc" id="L91">        writeBit(0);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L92">        writeEliasGammaCodingPositiveInteger(value / 2);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L93">        writeBit(value % 2);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L96">  }</span>

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public void close() throws IOException {
<span class="nc" id="L105">    createByte();</span>
<span class="nc" id="L106">    super.close();</span>
<span class="nc" id="L107">  }</span>

   * Creates the byte.
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public void createByte() throws IOException {
<span class="fc bfc" id="L115" title="All 2 branches covered.">    if (bitCount &gt; 0) {</span>
<span class="fc" id="L116">      bitCount = 0;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L117">      write(bitBuffer);</span>
<span class="fc" id="L118">      bitBuffer = 0;</span>
<span class="fc" id="L120">  }</span>
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