load.py 2.68 KB
import gzip
import cPickle
import urllib
import os
import random
import pickle

from os.path import isfile

PREFIX = os.getenv('ATISDATA', '')

def download(origin):
    download the corresponding atis file
    from http://www-etud.iro.umontreal.ca/~mesnilgr/atis/
    print( 'Downloading data from %s' % origin )
    name = origin.split('/')[-1]
    urllib.urlretrieve(origin, name)

def download_dropbox():
    download from drop box in the meantime
    print( 'Downloading data from https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lxl9jsbw0j7h8a/atis.pkl?dl=0' )
    os.system('wget -O atis.pkl https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lxl9jsbw0j7h8a/atis.pkl?dl=0')

def load_dropbox(filename):
    if not isfile(filename):
    #f = gzip.open(filename,'rb')
    f = open(filename,'rb')
    return f

def load_udem(filename):
    if not isfile(filename):
    f = gzip.open(filename,'rb')
    return f

def atisfull():
    f = load_dropbox(PREFIX + 'atis.pkl')
    train_set, test_set, dicts = cPickle.load(f)
    return train_set, test_set, dicts

def atisfold(fold):
    assert fold in range(5)
    f = load_udem(PREFIX + 'atis.fold'+str(fold)+'.pkl.gz')
    train_set, valid_set, test_set, dicts = cPickle.load(f)
    return train_set, valid_set, test_set, dicts
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ''' visualize a few sentences '''

    import pdb
    w2ne, w2la = {}, {}
    train, test, dic = atisfull()
    train, _, test, dic = atisfold(1)
    w2idx, ne2idx, labels2idx = dic['words2idx'], dic['tables2idx'], dic['labels2idx']
    idx2w  = dict((v,k) for k,v in w2idx.iteritems())
    idx2ne = dict((v,k) for k,v in ne2idx.iteritems())
    idx2la = dict((v,k) for k,v in labels2idx.iteritems())

    test_x,  test_ne,  test_label  = test
    train_x, train_ne, train_label = train

    sentences_from_train_x = [[idx2w[wx] for wx in sent] for sent in train_x]

    output = open('/home/rexamine/doktorat/RNN/is13/data/sentences_from_train_x', 'wb')
    pickle.dump(sentences_from_train_x, output)

    output = open('/home/rexamine/doktorat/RNN/is13/data/sentences_from_train_x', 'rb')
    c = pickle.load(output)

    wlength = 35

    for e in ['train','test']:
      for sw, se, sl in zip(eval(e+'_x'), eval(e+'_ne'), eval(e+'_label')):
        print( 'WORD'.rjust(wlength), 'LABEL'.rjust(wlength) )
        for wx, la in zip(sw, sl): print( idx2w[wx].rjust(wlength), idx2la[la].rjust(wlength) )
        print( '\n'+'**'*30+'\n' )