777 Bytes
# Make sure the compiler can find include files from our Hello library.
#include_directories (${Morfeusz_SOURCE_DIR}/FSALibrary)
# Make sure the linker can find the Hello library once it is built.
#link_directories (${Morfeusz_BINARY_DIR}/Hello)
include_directories (${Morfeusz_SOURCE_DIR}/fsa)
add_library (morfeusz2 morfeusz.hpp morfeusz.cpp)
add_executable (morfeusz2_analyze main.cpp)
add_executable (test_morph test_morph.cpp interpretations.cpp MorphDeserializer.cpp Tagset.cpp ../fsa/const.cpp)
# Link the executable to the Hello library.
target_link_libraries (morfeusz2_analyze morfeusz2)
set_target_properties ( morfeusz2_analyze PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=gnu++0x" )
set_target_properties ( test_morph PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=gnu++0x -Wall -O2" )