obliczanki.sql 1.67 KB
-- nieadj to 20, 21, 22, 23

select pos,
      case when l_id_od is null then 'aff' else 'neg' end as nie,
from leksemy l left outer join odsylacze o on (l.id=o.l_id_od and typods_id in (20, 21, 22, 23))
where slownik='SGJP'
group by pos, nie;

-- wspólne (złe! leksem się liczy tyle razy, ile razy jest w słowniku)
select pos,
      case when l_id_od is null then 'aff' else 'neg' end as nie,
from leksemy l join leksemy_w_slownikach s1 on (l.id=s1.l_id) join leksemy_w_slownikach s2 on (l.id=s2.l_id) left outer join odsylacze o on (l.id=o.l_id_od and typods_id in (20, 21, 22, 23))
where s1.slownik='SGJP' and s2.slownik='Morfologik'
group by pos, nie;

-- razem
select pos,
      case when l_id_od is null then 'aff' else 'neg' end as nie,
from leksemy l left outer join odsylacze o on (l.id=o.l_id_od and typods_id in (20, 21, 22, 23))
where slownik in ('SGJP','Morfologik')
group by pos, nie;

-- tylko Morfologik
select pos,
      case when l_id_od is null then 'aff' else 'neg' end as nie,
from leksemy l left outer join odsylacze o on (l.id=o.l_id_od and typods_id in (20, 21, 22, 23))
where slownik = 'Morfologik'
group by pos, nie;

-- tylko SGJP (wspólne bez not)
select pos,
      case when l_id_od is null then 'aff' else 'neg' end as nie,
from leksemy l left outer join odsylacze o on (l.id=o.l_id_od and typods_id in (20, 21, 22, 23))
where slownik='SGJP' and not exists (select id from leksemy_w_slownikach where l_id=l.id and slownik='Morfologik')
group by pos, nie;

-- Morfologik wg statusów
select pos, status, count(*) from leksemy l where slownik='Morfologik' group by pos, status order by pos, status;