ajax_prompter.py 3.26 KB
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from common.decorators import ajax
from common.util import suffix, cut_end
from dictionary.models import LexemeInflectionPattern, InflectionCharacteristic, get_root, \
    ClassificationValue, Classification, filter_visible_lips
from dictionary.pattern_blacklist import blacklist

commonness = Classification.objects.get(name=u'pospolitość')


def make_list(user, entry, pos, ic, cvs, bl_check):
    lips = LexemeInflectionPattern.objects.distinct()
    lips = filter_visible_lips(lips, user)
    lips = lips.filter(
    if ic:
        lips = lips.filter(inflection_characteristic=ic)
    if cvs:
        lips = lips.filter(lexeme__classificationvalue__in=cvs)
        lips = lips.exclude(lexeme__classificationvalue=None)
    lips = lips.order_by('lexeme__entry')
    feature_sets = set()
    bad_inflections = set()
    chosen_lips = []
    for suf_len in xrange(len(entry), 0, -1):
        suf = suffix(entry, suf_len)
        suf_lips = lips.filter(lexeme__entry__endswith=suf)
        if suf_len < len(entry):
            suf1 = suffix(entry, suf_len + 1)
            suf_lips = suf_lips.exclude(lexeme__entry__endswith=suf1)
        for p0, ic0 in bad_inflections:
            suf_lips.exclude(pattern=p0, inflection_characteristic=ic0)
        for p0, ic0 in feature_sets:
            suf_lips = suf_lips.exclude(
                pattern=p0, inflection_characteristic=ic0)
        for lip in suf_lips:
            #lip = suf_lips[0]
            p = lip.pattern
            #suf_lips = suf_lips.exclude(pattern=p)
            if p.name in blacklist and bl_check: continue
            if ic:
                l_ic = ic
                l_ic = lip.inflection_characteristic
            if (p, l_ic) in bad_inflections: continue
            if (p, l_ic) in feature_sets: continue
            if cvs:
                l_cvs = lip.lexeme.classification_values(commonness) & cvs
                l_cvs = lip.lexeme.classification_values(commonness)
            if get_root(entry, pos, p, l_ic) is not None:
                l_root = lip.lexeme.get_root(p, l_ic)
                l_end = lip.lexeme.entry[len(l_root):]
                l_entry = u'%%s' % (l_root, l_end)
                if len(l_end) < len(suf):
                    suf = suffix(l_entry, suf_len + 1)
                chosen_lips.append((lip, l_cvs, cut_end(l_entry, suf), suf))
                feature_sets.add((p, l_ic))
                if len(chosen_lips) == LIP_ROWS:
                bad_inflections.add((p, l_ic))
        if len(chosen_lips) == LIP_ROWS:
    return chosen_lips

@ajax(method='get', template='prompter_list.html')
def prompter_list(request, entry, pos_id, ic_id, commonness_ids,
                  ic_check, cv_check, bl_check):
    if ic_check:
        ic = InflectionCharacteristic.objects.get(pk=ic_id)
        ic = None
    if cv_check: # and commonness not in ('undefined', 'None'):
        cvs = ClassificationValue.objects.filter(pk__in=commonness_ids)
        cvs = None
    lips = make_list(request.user, entry, pos_id, ic, cvs, bl_check)
    # zakładamy, że symbol == pk
    return {'lips': lips}