inflection_tables.html 3.03 KB
{% load dictionary_extras i18n %}
<div class="entry-article scheme{{ lexeme.part_of_speech.color_scheme }}">
    <div class="article-header">
            {{ lexeme.entry }}
            {{ lexeme|attribute:"zwrotność" }}
            {% if lexeme.pronunciation %}
                <span class="pronunciation">[{{ lexeme.pronunciation|safe }}]</span>
            {% endif %}
            {% if lexeme.gloss and lexeme.part_of_speech.symbol != 'skrs' %}
                <span class="gloss">{{ lexeme.gloss|safe }}</span>
            {% endif %}

            {{ part_of_speech }}
            {% if lexeme.part_of_speech.symbol == 'v' %}
                {{ lexeme|attribute:"właściwy" }}
                {{ lexeme|attribute:"przechodniość" }}
            {% endif %}
            {% if lexeme.part_of_speech.symbol == 'skrs' %}
                {{ lexeme.gloss|safe }}
            {% endif %}
            <span class="qualifiers">
                {{ info.qualifiers|join:" " }}
                {% if info.commonness %}
                    {{ info.commonness|join:", " }}
                {% endif %}
            {% if lexeme.note %}
                ◊ {{ lexeme.note|sgjp_markup }}
            {% endif %}
            <em>{{ lexeme.valence|sgjp_markup }}</em>
            <span class="sjpdor">
                {{ info.SJPDor|yesno:"[SJPDor.]," }}
            {% if lexeme.part_of_speech.lexical_class_id == 'subst' %}
                {{ lexeme.lip_data.genders }}
            {% endif %}
            {{ lexeme|attribute:"aspekt" }}
            {% if tables|length == 1 %}
                {% include "pattern_list.html" with patterns=pattern_list %}
            {% endif %}
    <div class="inflection-tables">
        {% for gender, patterns, pronunciations, gender_qualifiers, table in tables %}
            <div class="inflection-table-container">
                {% if lexeme|attribute:"rozwinięcie" %}
                    {% include "abbreviation_table.html" %}
                {% else %}
                    {% include "inflection_table.html" %}
                {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% if cross_references %}
        <table class="cross-references">
                <th class="head" colspan="2"><span class="label">{% trans 'Odsyłacze' %}</span></th>
            {% for desc, crs in cross_references %}
                    <th class="cr-type">{{ desc }}</th>
                        {% for cr in crs %}
                            <span class="cr-link" id="cr{{ }}">{{ cr.to_lexeme.entry }}</span>{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if lexeme.extended_note %}
        <p class="extended-note">
            {{ lexeme.extended_note|sgjp_markup }}
    {% endif %}