pattern_preview.html 4.96 KB
{% load i18n %}
<div class="entry-article scheme{{ pattern.type.inflection_type.color_scheme }}">
    <div class="article-header">
            {{ }}
        <p>{{ pattern.type.inflection_type.full_name }}</p>
        <p>{% trans 'Type' %}: {{ pattern.type.symbol }}</p>
            {% if detailed_counts %}
                {% trans 'Total lexeme count' %}:
            {% else %}
                {% trans 'Lexeme count' %}:
            {% endif %}
            {% if lexeme_count > 0 %}
                <a href="{{ pattern_filter_url }}">{{ lexeme_count }}</a>
            {% else %}
                {{ lexeme_count }}
            {% endif %}
        {% if detailed_counts %}
            <table class="detailed-counts">
                    <th class="left-header">{{ subgroup_name }}</th>
                    {% for subgroup_label, count, example, url, extras in detailed_counts %}
                        <th>{{ subgroup_label }}</th>
                    {% endfor %}
                    <th class="left-header">{% trans 'Lexeme count' %}</th>
                    {% for subgroup_label, count, example, url, extras in detailed_counts %}
                            {% if count > 1 %}
                                <a href="{{ url }}">{{ count }}</a>
                            {% else %}
                                {{ count }}
                            {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
                    <th class="left-header example-header">{% trans 'Example' %}</th>
                    {% for subgroup_label, count, example, url, extras in detailed_counts %}
                            {% if example != None %}
                                {% if detailed_counts|length > 1 or extras_present %}
                                    <span class="radio switch-example{% if forloop.first %} checked active-example{% endif %}"
                                          data-example="{{ example.1 }}"></span>
                                {% endif %}
                                {% include "lexeme_link.html" with lexeme=example.0 %}
                            {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
                {% if extras_present %}
                        <th class="left-header">{% trans 'Including quasi-verbs' %}</th>
                        {% for subgroup_label, count, example, url, extras in detailed_counts %}
                                {% with extras_count=extras.0 extras_url=extras.2 %}
                                    {% if extras_count > 1 %}
                                        <a href="{{ extras_url }}">{{ extras_count }}</a>
                                    {% else %}
                                        {{ extras_count }}
                                    {% endif %}
                                {% endwith %}
                        {% endfor %}
                        <th class="left-header example-header">{% trans 'Example' %}</th>
                        {% for subgroup_label, count, example, url, extras in detailed_counts %}
                                {% with extras.1 as example %}
                                    {% if example != None %}
                                        <span class="radio switch-example" data-example="{{ example.1 }}"></span>
                                        {% include "lexeme_link.html" with lexeme=example.0 %}
                                    {% endif %}
                                {% endwith %}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    <div class="inflection-tables">
        <div class="inflection-table-container">
            <table class="inflection-table">
                    <td class="header-c"><strong>{% trans 'Label' %}</strong></td>
                    <td class="header-c"><strong>{% trans 'Base form' %}</strong></td>
                {% for ending in pattern.endings.all %}
                        <td class="left">{{ ending.base_form_label.symbol }}</td>
                            <span class="root">{{ root }}</span>·{{ ending.string }}
                            <span class="qualifiers">
                                {% for qualifier in ending.qualifiers.all %}{{ qualifier.label }} {% endfor %}
                {% endfor %}