3.85 KB



This project requires a Conda installation. For instructions on how to install miniconda see:

Creating a new environment

To install the project for first time, create new conda environment:

On Linux/MacOS machines, create a new collector environment with:

conda env create -n collector -f environment.yml
source activate collector
pip install -e .

On Windows machines the activation command is slightly different:

conda env create -n collector -f environment.yml
activate collector 
pip install -e .

Updating environment requirements

To update changes in the requirements (as defined in the environment.yml file):


conda env update -n collector -f environment.yml
source activate collector
pip install -e .


conda env update -n collector -f environment.yml
activate collector
pip install -e .


To install the Collector first you have to create a collector database:

  • sudo -u postgres createdb collector -E UTF8 -T template0 -l pl_PL.utf8 [-p 5432]

Create a collector user:

  • sudo -u postgres createuser collector [-p 5432]

Access a PostgreSQL interactive terminal:

  • sudo -u postgres psql [-p 5432]

Create a password for the collector user:

  • postgres=# alter user collector with encrypted password '';

Grant the collector user rights to the collector database:

  • postgres=# grant all privileges on database collector to collector;

Grant the collector user rights for creating new databases (for testing purposes):

  • postgres=# alter user collector createdb;

Update 'PASSWORD' and 'PORT' (if needed) keys in the DATABASES 'default' item in the collector/ file.

Create database tables:

  • python ./collector/ makemigrations
  • python ./collector/ migrate

And superuser (if needed):

  • python ./collector/ createsuperuser

Configure pipelines:

  • python ./collector/ configure_[PROJECT_NAME]_pipelines

Download documents:

  • python ./collector/ download_[PROJECT_NAME]_documents

Extract text from documents:

  • python ./collector/ extract_[PROJECT_NAME]_documents

Write documents in the defined output format:

  • python ./collector/ write_[PROJECT_NAME]_documents

where the PROJECT_NAME is 'marcell', 'ppc' or 'nkjp'.

To use the annotation module install also:

Than set proper values for programs, used models and dictionaries (MORFEUSZ2_DICT_PATH, MORFEUSZ2_DICT_NAME, CONCRAFT2_PATH, CONCRAFT2_MODEL_PATH, LINER2_PATH, LINER2_MODEL_PATH, COMBO_PATH, COMBO_MODEL_PATH) in the collector/ file.

You can also define a port assigned to the Concraft2 server (CONCRAFT2_PORT), number of used cores (CONCRAFT2_CORES) and an additional dictionary supporting disambiguation (FREQ_1M_PATH).

To use XIX century annotation pipeline set values for XIX_MORFEUSZ2_DICT_PATH and XIX_MORFEUSZ2_DICT_NAME (in the collector/ file), default values pointing to the "parlamentareusz" dictionary will be fine.

To index documents install MTAS (, Solr ( and provide SOLR_URL and SOLR_TIMEOUT values in the collector/ file. Name of SOLR core for particular project should be same as project name in the database.

Remember to re-activate

When running the project, remember to activate the collector environment:

On Linux/MacOS:

source activate collector


activate collector

Verify and test