; MorfeuszSGJP, with KIPI sources including Guesser converted to NKJP [general] tagset=nkjp ; default config, but let's be explicit toki-config=config [ma:unknown] class=const tagset=nkjp tag=ign ; use guesser module from corpuslib [ma:guess] class=wrap_convert wrapped_class=guesser wrapped_converter=naive-kipi2nkjp.conv wrapped_tagset=kipi tagset=nkjp [ma:morfeusz] class=morfeusz tagset=nkjp converter=sgjp2nkjp.conv library=libmorfSGJP.so.0 ; comment out the above line if Morfeusz SGJP is installed normally and not alongside Morfeusz SIAT in a binary-modified version with the soname changed require_version=Morfeusz SGJP [ma:acro_stem] ; acronyms and proper names class=wrap_convert wrapped_class=sfst wrapped_converter=naive-kipi2nkjp.conv wrapped_tagset=kipi tagset=nkjp file=acro-uninfl.fst lower-case=true [ma:acro_suffix] ; acronyms/proper names with hyphens or apostrophes introducing inflectional suffixes class=wrap_convert wrapped_class=sfst wrapped_converter=naive-kipi2nkjp.conv wrapped_tagset=kipi tagset=nkjp file=acro-infl.fst lower-case=true [default] ; ma=morfeusz ma=acro_stem ma=guess ma=acro_suffix ma=unknown