package is2.util;


 * @author Bernd Bohnet, 01.09.2009
 * Maps for the Hash Kernel the long values to the int values.
final public class Long2Int implements Long2IntInterface {

	public Long2Int() {
	public Long2Int(int s) {
	/** Integer counter for long2int */
	final private int size; //0x03ffffff //0x07ffffff
	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see is2.sp09k9992.Long2IntIterface#size()
	public  int size() {return size;}
	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see is2.sp09k9992.Long2IntIterface#start()
	 * has no meaning for this implementation
	final public void start() {}

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see is2.sp09k9992.Long2IntIterface#l2i(long)
	final public int l2i(long l) {		
		if (l<0) return -1;
		// this works well LAS 88.138
	//	int r= (int)(( l ^ (l&0xffffffff00000000L) >>> 29 ));//0x811c9dc5 ^ // 29
	//	return Math.abs(r % size);
		// this works a bit better and good with 0x03ffffff 
		long r= l;//26
		l = (l>>12)&0xfffffffffffff000L;
		r ^= l;//38
		l = (l>>11)&0xffffffffffffc000L;
		r ^= l;//49
		l = (l>>9)& 0xffffffffffff0000L; //53
		r ^= l;//58
		l = (l>>7)&0xfffffffffffc0000L; //62
		r ^=l;//65
		int x = (int)r;
		x = x % size;
	//	return x >= 0 ? x : -x ;// Math.abs(r % size);

		//            26 0x03ffffff
		// together with 0x07ffffff 27 88.372
		long r= l;// 27
		l = (l>>13)&0xffffffffffffe000L;
		r ^= l;   // 40
		l = (l>>11)&0xffffffffffff0000L;
		r ^= l;   // 51
		l = (l>>9)& 0xfffffffffffc0000L; //53
		r ^= l;  // 60
		l = (l>>7)& 0xfffffffffff00000L; //62
		r ^=l;    //67
		int x = ((int)r) % size;
		return x >= 0 ? x : -x ; 