package; import; import; import is2.util.DB; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class reads files in the CONLL-08 and CONLL-09 format. * * @author Bernd Bohnet */ public class CONLLReader04 { private static final String US = "_"; private static final String REGEX = "\t"; public static final String STRING = "*"; public static final String PIPE = "\\|"; public static final String NO_TYPE = "<no-type>"; public static final String ROOT_POS = "<root-POS>"; public static final String ROOT_LEMMA = "<root-LEMMA>"; public static final String ROOT = "<root>"; public static final String EMPTY_FEAT = "<ef>"; private static final String NUMBER = "[0-9]+|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+[0-9,]+"; private static final String NUM = "<num>"; private BufferedReader inputReader; public static final int TASK08=8; public static final int TASK09=9; public static boolean normalizeOn =true; private int lineNumber = 0; public CONLLReader04(){} public CONLLReader04(String file){ lineNumber=0; try { inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file),"UTF-8"),32768); //,"UTF-8" } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public CONLLReader04(String file, int task){ this(file); } public void startReading(String file ){ lineNumber=0; try { inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file),"UTF-8"),32768); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /**i.forms[heads[l]-1]+" "+rel+" "+ * Read a instance * @return a instance * @throws Exception */ public SentenceData09 getNext() throws Exception { try { ArrayList<String[]> lineList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String line = inputReader.readLine(); while(line !=null && line.length()<2) { line = inputReader.readLine(); lineNumber++; System.out.println("skip empty line at line "+lineNumber); } while (line != null && line.length()!=0 && !line.startsWith(STRING) &&!line.startsWith(REGEX)) { lineList.add(line.split(REGEX)); line = inputReader.readLine(); lineNumber++; } int length = lineList.size(); if(length == 0) { inputReader.close(); return null; } SentenceData09 it = new SentenceData09(); // column content // 1 id // 2 form // 3 lemma // 4 cpos-tag // 5 pos-tog // 6 feats // 7 head // 8 deprel it.forms = new String[length+1]; it.plemmas = new String[length+1]; it.gpos = new String[length+1]; it.labels = new String[length+1]; it.heads = new int[length+1]; it.pheads = new int[length+1]; it.plabels = new String[length+1]; it.ppos = new String[length+1]; it.lemmas = new String[length+1]; it.fillp = new String[length+1]; it.feats = new String[length+1][]; it.ofeats = new String[length+1]; it.pfeats = new String[length+1]; it.forms[0] = ROOT; it.plemmas[0] = ROOT_LEMMA; it.fillp[0] = "N"; it.lemmas[0] = ROOT_LEMMA; it.gpos[0] = ROOT_POS; it.ppos[0] = ROOT_POS; it.labels[0] = NO_TYPE; it.heads[0] = -1; it.plabels[0] = NO_TYPE; it.pheads[0] = -1; it.ofeats[0] = NO_TYPE; // root is 0 therefore start with 1 for(int i = 1; i <= length; i++) { String[] info = lineList.get(i-1); it.forms[i] = info[0]; //normalize( it.lemmas[i] = "_"; it.plemmas[i] ="_"; // 3 cpos it.gpos[i] = info[1]; it.ppos[i] = info[1]; it.ofeats[i]="_"; it.feats[i]=null; // it.feats[i] =info[5].split(PIPE); it.pfeats[i] = "_"; if (info[2].equals(US)) it.heads[i]=-1; else it.heads[i] = Integer.parseInt(info[2]);// head it.labels[i] = info[3]; } return it; } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("\n!!! Error in input file at line : "+lineNumber+" "+e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception(); // return null; } } /** * Read a instance an store it in a compressed format * @param is * @return * @throws IOException */ final public SentenceData09 getNext(Instances is) throws Exception { SentenceData09 it = getNext(); if (is !=null) insert(is,it); return it; } final public boolean insert(Instances is, SentenceData09 it) throws IOException { try { if(it == null) { inputReader.close(); return false; } int i= is.createInstance09(it.length()); for(int p = 0; p < it.length(); p++) { is.setForm(i, p, normalize(it.forms[p])); is.setGPos(i, p, it.gpos[p]); if (it.ppos[p]==null||it.ppos[p].equals(US)) { is.setPPoss(i, p, it.gpos[p]); } else is.setPPoss(i, p, it.ppos[p]); if (it.plemmas[p]==null ||it.plemmas[p].equals(US)) { is.setLemma(i, p, normalize(it.forms[p])); } else is.setLemma(i, p, normalize(it.plemmas[p])); is.setFeats(i,p,it.feats[p]); is.setFeature(i,p,it.ofeats[p]); is.setRel(i,p,it.labels[p]); if (it.plabels!=null) is.setPRel(i,p,it.plabels[p]); is.setHead(i,p,it.heads[p]); if (it.pheads!=null) is.setPHead(i,p,it.pheads[p]); if (it.fillp!=null && it.fillp[p]!=null && it.fillp[p].startsWith("Y")) is.pfill[i].set(p); else is.pfill[i].clear(p); } if (is.createSem(i,it)) { DB.println("count "+i+" len "+it.length()); DB.println(it.printSem()); } } catch(Exception e ){ DB.println("head "+it); e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public static String normalize (String s) { if (!normalizeOn) return s; if(s.matches(NUMBER)) return NUM; return s; } }