package is2.data;

import is2.util.DB;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Stack;

 * @author Dr. Bernd Bohnet, 17.01.2011
 * Dynamic phrase structure tree.
public class DPSTree {

	private int size=0;
	public int[] heads;
	public int[] labels;

	public DPSTree() {

	public DPSTree(int initialCapacity) {
		heads = new int[initialCapacity];
		labels = new int[initialCapacity];
     * Increases the capacity of this <tt>Graph</tt> instance, if
     * necessary, to ensure  that it can hold at least the number of nodes
     * specified by the minimum capacity argument. 
     * @param   minCapacity   the desired minimum capacity.
    private void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
    	if (minCapacity > heads.length) {
    		int newCapacity =minCapacity + 1;
    		if (newCapacity < minCapacity) newCapacity = minCapacity;
    		int oldIndex[] = heads;
    		heads = new int[newCapacity];
    		System.arraycopy(oldIndex, 0, heads, 0, oldIndex.length);
    		oldIndex = labels;
    		labels = new int[newCapacity];
    		System.arraycopy(oldIndex, 0, labels, 0, oldIndex.length);
    final public int size() {
	  return size;
    final public boolean isEmpty() {
  	  return size == 0;

  	final public void clear() {
      	size = 0;
  	final public void createTerminals(int terminals) {
  		size= terminals+1;
     final public int create(int phrase) {
      	labels[size] =phrase;
      	return size-1;
 	public int create(int phrase, int nodeId) {
 		if (nodeId<0) return this.create(phrase);
// 		DB.println("create phrase "+nodeId+"  label "+phrase);
		labels[nodeId] =phrase;	
		if (size<nodeId) size=nodeId+1;
		return nodeId;

	public void createEdge(int i, int j) {
		heads[i] =j;	
//		DB.println("create edge "+i+"\t "+j);
	public DPSTree clone() {
		DPSTree ps = new DPSTree(this.size+1);
		for(int k=0;k<size;k++) { 
			ps.heads[k] = heads[k]; 
			ps.labels[k] = labels[k]; 
		return ps;
