open LCGtypes open Xstd open ExecTypes let eniam = "eniam" let conll = "conll" module Strings = struct type t = string let compare a b = a b end module StrMap = Map.Make(Strings) let field_map = StrMap.(empty |> add eniam (ref empty) |> add conll (ref empty)) let add_to_field_map str_mode field content = let f_map = StrMap.find str_mode field_map in let c_map = if StrMap.mem field !f_map then StrMap.find field !f_map else let temp = ref StrMap.empty in f_map := StrMap.add field temp !f_map; temp in if StrMap.mem content !c_map then incr (StrMap.find content !c_map) else c_map := StrMap.add content (ref 1) !c_map let print_field_map () = StrMap.iter (fun key1 val1 -> print_endline key1; StrMap.iter (fun key2 val2 -> let i = ref 0 in print_endline ("\t" ^ key2); StrMap.iter (fun key3 val3 -> i := !i + !val3; print_endline ("\t\t" ^ key3 ^ "\t\t" ^ (string_of_int !val3)) ) !val2; print_endline ("\tsum: " ^ (string_of_int !i)) ) !val1 ) field_map; print_newline () module Statuses = struct type t = status let compare a b = a b end module StatMap = Xmap.MakeQ(Statuses) let stat_map = ref StatMap.empty let reset () = stat_map := StatMap.empty let print_results () = print_endline "\nStatistics of CONLL statuses:"; StatMap.iter !stat_map (fun key value -> print_endline ("\t" ^ (match key with Idle -> "Idle" | PreprocessingError -> "PreprocessingError" | LexiconError -> "LexiconError" | ParseError -> "ParseError" | ParseTimeout -> "ParseTimeout" | NotParsed -> "NotParsed" | ReductionError -> "ReductionError" | TooManyNodes -> "TooManyNodes" | NotReduced -> "NotReduced" | SemError -> "SemError" | NotTranslated -> "NotTranslated" | Parsed -> "Parsed") ^ "\t" ^(string_of_int value) ^ "\n")) let field_of_node str_mode n = function "arole" -> let content = if n.arole = "" then "null" else n.arole in add_to_field_map str_mode "arole" content; content | _ -> failwith "field_of_node: ni" let field_of_linear_term str_node field = function Node n -> field_of_node str_node n field | _ -> failwith "field_of_linear_term: ni" let field_of_dependency_tree str_node fields dep_tree = String.concat "\n" ( fields (fun field -> Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc ^ (field_of_linear_term str_node field x) ^ "\n\t\t" ) "" dep_tree)) let field_of_eniam_sentence fields tokens (result : eniam_parse_result) = match result.status with Idle -> "Idle" (* | PreprocessingError -> "PreprocessingError" *) | LexiconError -> "LexiconError" | ParseError -> "ParseError" | ParseTimeout -> "ParseTimeout" | NotParsed -> "NotParsed" | ReductionError -> "ReductionError" | TooManyNodes -> "TooManyNodes" | NotReduced -> "NotReduced" | SemError -> "SemError" (* | NotTranslated -> "NotTranslated" *) | Parsed -> ignore ("Parsed\n\t\t" ^ (field_of_dependency_tree eniam fields result.dependency_tree)); "Parsed\n" | _ -> failwith "field_of_eniam_sentence" let field_of_conll_sentence fields tokens (result : conll_parse_result) = stat_map := StatMap.add !stat_map result.status; match result.status with Idle -> "Idle" (* | PreprocessingError -> "PreprocessingError" *) | LexiconError -> "LexiconError " ^ result.msg | ParseError -> "ParseError " ^ result.msg | ParseTimeout -> "ParseTimeout" | NotParsed -> "NotParsed" | ReductionError -> "ReductionError " ^ result.msg | TooManyNodes -> "TooManyNodes" | NotReduced -> "NotReduced" | SemError -> "SemError" (* | NotTranslated -> "NotTranslated" *) | Parsed -> ignore ("Parsed\n\t\t" ^ (field_of_dependency_tree conll fields result.dependency_tree)); "Parsed\n" | _ -> failwith "field_of_conll_sentence" let rec field_of_sentence fields tokens = function RawSentence s -> s | StructSentence _ -> "StructSentence" | DepSentence _ -> "DepSentence" | ENIAMSentence result -> field_of_eniam_sentence fields tokens result | CONLLSentence result -> field_of_conll_sentence fields tokens result | QuotedSentences sentences -> "QuotedSentences" | AltSentence l -> String.concat "\n\t" ( l (fun (m, s) -> Visualization.string_of_mode m ^ "\t" ^ (field_of_sentence fields tokens s))) | _ -> failwith "field_of_sentence: ni" let rec field_of_paragraph fields tokens = function RawParagraph s -> print_endline "no fields detected: only raw paragraph"; s | StructParagraph sentences -> String.concat "\n\t" ( sentences (fun p -> field_of_sentence fields tokens p.psentence)) | AltParagraph l -> String.concat "\n" ( (List.filter (fun (m,t) -> (*m = ENIAM ||*) m = CONLL) l) (fun (m,t) -> Visualization.string_of_mode m ^ "\n\t" ^ (field_of_paragraph fields tokens t))) (* field_of_paragraph fields tokens (snd @@ List.find (fun (mode,text) -> mode = ENIAM || mode = CONLL) l) *) let rec print_fields_rec fields = function RawText s -> print_endline "no fields detected: only raw text"; | StructText(paragraphs,tokens) -> print_endline (String.concat "\n\n" ( paragraphs (field_of_paragraph fields tokens)) ^ "\n") | AltText l -> print_fields_rec fields (snd @@ List.find (fun (m,t) -> m = Struct (*|| m = ENIAM*) || m = CONLL) l) let print_fields fields text = print_fields_rec fields text (* ; print_field_map () *)