/** * jqPlot * Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery * * Version: 1.0.4 * Revision: 1121 * * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Chris Leonello * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects * under both the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL * version 2.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) licenses. This means that you can * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly. * * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at: * chris at jqplot dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php . * * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php . * * sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle: * * version 2007.04.27 * author Ash Searle * http://hexmen.com/blog/2007/03/printf-sprintf/ * http://hexmen.com/js/sprintf.js * The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain: * "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like." * */ (function($) { var objCounter = 0; // class: $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay = function(opts){ var options = opts || {}; this.options = { show: $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins, deferDraw: false }; // prop: objects this.objects = []; this.objectNames = []; this.canvas = null; this.markerRenderer = new $.jqplot.MarkerRenderer({style:'line'}); this.markerRenderer.init(); this.highlightObjectIndex = null; if (options.objects) { var objs = options.objects, obj; for (var i=0; i<objs.length; i++) { obj = objs[i]; for (var n in obj) { switch (n) { case 'line': this.addLine(obj[n]); break; case 'horizontalLine': this.addHorizontalLine(obj[n]); break; case 'dashedHorizontalLine': this.addDashedHorizontalLine(obj[n]); break; case 'verticalLine': this.addVerticalLine(obj[n]); break; case 'dashedVerticalLine': this.addDashedVerticalLine(obj[n]); break; default: break; } } } } $.extend(true, this.options, options); }; // called with scope of a plot object $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.postPlotInit = function (target, data, opts) { var options = opts || {}; // add a canvasOverlay attribute to the plot this.plugins.canvasOverlay = new $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay(options.canvasOverlay); }; function LineBase() { this.uid = null; this.type = null; this.gridStart = null; this.gridStop = null; this.tooltipWidthFactor = 0; this.options = { // prop: name // Optional name for the overlay object. // Can be later used to retrieve the object by name. name: null, // prop: show // true to show (draw), false to not draw. show: true, // prop: lineWidth // Width of the line. lineWidth: 2, // prop: lineCap // Type of ending placed on the line ['round', 'butt', 'square'] lineCap: 'round', // prop: color // color of the line color: '#666666', // prop: shadow // wether or not to draw a shadow on the line shadow: true, // prop: shadowAngle // Shadow angle in degrees shadowAngle: 45, // prop: shadowOffset // Shadow offset from line in pixels shadowOffset: 1, // prop: shadowDepth // Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last. shadowDepth: 3, // prop: shadowAlpha // Alpha channel transparency of shadow. 0 = transparent. shadowAlpha: '0.07', // prop: xaxis // X axis to use for positioning/scaling the line. xaxis: 'xaxis', // prop: yaxis // Y axis to use for positioning/scaling the line. yaxis: 'yaxis', // prop: showTooltip // Show a tooltip with data point values. showTooltip: false, // prop: showTooltipPrecision // Controls how close to line cursor must be to show tooltip. // Higher number = closer to line, lower number = farther from line. // 1.0 = cursor must be over line. showTooltipPrecision: 0.6, // prop: tooltipLocation // Where to position tooltip, 'n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w', 'nw' tooltipLocation: 'nw', // prop: fadeTooltip // true = fade in/out tooltip, flase = show/hide tooltip fadeTooltip: true, // prop: tooltipFadeSpeed // 'slow', 'def', 'fast', or number of milliseconds. tooltipFadeSpeed: "fast", // prop: tooltipOffset // Pixel offset of tooltip from the highlight. tooltipOffset: 4, // prop: tooltipFormatString // Format string passed the x and y values of the cursor on the line. // e.g., 'Dogs: %.2f, Cats: %d'. tooltipFormatString: '%d, %d' }; } /** * Class: Line * A straight line. */ function Line(options) { LineBase.call(this); this.type = 'line'; var opts = { // prop: start // [x, y] coordinates for the start of the line. start: [], // prop: stop // [x, y] coordinates for the end of the line. stop: [] }; $.extend(true, this.options, opts, options); if (this.options.showTooltipPrecision < 0.01) { this.options.showTooltipPrecision = 0.01; } } Line.prototype = new LineBase(); Line.prototype.constructor = Line; /** * Class: HorizontalLine * A straight horizontal line. */ function HorizontalLine(options) { LineBase.call(this); this.type = 'horizontalLine'; var opts = { // prop: y // y value to position the line y: null, // prop: xmin // x value for the start of the line, null to scale to axis min. xmin: null, // prop: xmax // x value for the end of the line, null to scale to axis max. xmax: null, // prop xOffset // offset ends of the line inside the grid. Number xOffset: '6px', // number or string. Number interpreted as units, string as pixels. xminOffset: null, xmaxOffset: null }; $.extend(true, this.options, opts, options); if (this.options.showTooltipPrecision < 0.01) { this.options.showTooltipPrecision = 0.01; } } HorizontalLine.prototype = new LineBase(); HorizontalLine.prototype.constructor = HorizontalLine; /** * Class: DashedHorizontalLine * A straight dashed horizontal line. */ function DashedHorizontalLine(options) { LineBase.call(this); this.type = 'dashedHorizontalLine'; var opts = { y: null, xmin: null, xmax: null, xOffset: '6px', // number or string. Number interpreted as units, string as pixels. xminOffset: null, xmaxOffset: null, // prop: dashPattern // Array of line, space settings in pixels. // Default is 8 pixel of line, 8 pixel of space. // Note, limit to a 2 element array b/c of bug with higher order arrays. dashPattern: [8,8] }; $.extend(true, this.options, opts, options); if (this.options.showTooltipPrecision < 0.01) { this.options.showTooltipPrecision = 0.01; } } DashedHorizontalLine.prototype = new LineBase(); DashedHorizontalLine.prototype.constructor = DashedHorizontalLine; /** * Class: VerticalLine * A straight vertical line. */ function VerticalLine(options) { LineBase.call(this); this.type = 'verticalLine'; var opts = { x: null, ymin: null, ymax: null, yOffset: '6px', // number or string. Number interpreted as units, string as pixels. yminOffset: null, ymaxOffset: null }; $.extend(true, this.options, opts, options); if (this.options.showTooltipPrecision < 0.01) { this.options.showTooltipPrecision = 0.01; } } VerticalLine.prototype = new LineBase(); VerticalLine.prototype.constructor = VerticalLine; /** * Class: DashedVerticalLine * A straight dashed vertical line. */ function DashedVerticalLine(options) { LineBase.call(this); this.type = 'dashedVerticalLine'; this.start = null; this.stop = null; var opts = { x: null, ymin: null, ymax: null, yOffset: '6px', // number or string. Number interpreted as units, string as pixels. yminOffset: null, ymaxOffset: null, // prop: dashPattern // Array of line, space settings in pixels. // Default is 8 pixel of line, 8 pixel of space. // Note, limit to a 2 element array b/c of bug with higher order arrays. dashPattern: [8,8] }; $.extend(true, this.options, opts, options); if (this.options.showTooltipPrecision < 0.01) { this.options.showTooltipPrecision = 0.01; } } DashedVerticalLine.prototype = new LineBase(); DashedVerticalLine.prototype.constructor = DashedVerticalLine; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.addLine = function(opts) { var line = new Line(opts); line.uid = objCounter++; this.objects.push(line); this.objectNames.push(line.options.name); }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.addHorizontalLine = function(opts) { var line = new HorizontalLine(opts); line.uid = objCounter++; this.objects.push(line); this.objectNames.push(line.options.name); }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.addDashedHorizontalLine = function(opts) { var line = new DashedHorizontalLine(opts); line.uid = objCounter++; this.objects.push(line); this.objectNames.push(line.options.name); }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.addVerticalLine = function(opts) { var line = new VerticalLine(opts); line.uid = objCounter++; this.objects.push(line); this.objectNames.push(line.options.name); }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.addDashedVerticalLine = function(opts) { var line = new DashedVerticalLine(opts); line.uid = objCounter++; this.objects.push(line); this.objectNames.push(line.options.name); }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.removeObject = function(idx) { // check if integer, remove by index if ($.type(idx) == 'number') { this.objects.splice(idx, 1); this.objectNames.splice(idx, 1); } // if string, remove by name else { var id = $.inArray(idx, this.objectNames); if (id != -1) { this.objects.splice(id, 1); this.objectNames.splice(id, 1); } } }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.getObject = function(idx) { // check if integer, remove by index if ($.type(idx) == 'number') { return this.objects[idx]; } // if string, remove by name else { var id = $.inArray(idx, this.objectNames); if (id != -1) { return this.objects[id]; } } }; // Set get as alias for getObject. $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.get = $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.getObject; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.clear = function(plot) { this.canvas._ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.getWidth(), this.canvas.getHeight()); }; $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.prototype.draw = function(plot) { var obj, objs = this.objects, mr = this.markerRenderer, start, stop; if (this.options.show) { this.canvas._ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.getWidth(), this.canvas.getHeight()); for (var k=0; k<objs.length; k++) { obj = objs[k]; var opts = $.extend(true, {}, obj.options); if (obj.options.show) { // style and shadow properties should be set before // every draw of marker renderer. mr.shadow = obj.options.shadow; obj.tooltipWidthFactor = obj.options.lineWidth / obj.options.showTooltipPrecision; switch (obj.type) { case 'line': // style and shadow properties should be set before // every draw of marker renderer. mr.style = 'line'; opts.closePath = false; start = [plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.start[0]), plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.start[1])]; stop = [plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.stop[0]), plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.stop[1])]; obj.gridStart = start; obj.gridStop = stop; mr.draw(start, stop, this.canvas._ctx, opts); break; case 'horizontalLine': // style and shadow properties should be set before // every draw of marker renderer. if (obj.options.y != null) { mr.style = 'line'; opts.closePath = false; var xaxis = plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis], xstart, xstop, y = plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.y), xminoff = obj.options.xminOffset || obj.options.xOffset, xmaxoff = obj.options.xmaxOffset || obj.options.xOffset; if (obj.options.xmin != null) { xstart = xaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.xmin); } else if (xminoff != null) { if ($.type(xminoff) == "number") { xstart = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.min + xminoff); } else if ($.type(xminoff) == "string") { xstart = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.min) + parseFloat(xminoff); } } if (obj.options.xmax != null) { xstop = xaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.xmax); } else if (xmaxoff != null) { if ($.type(xmaxoff) == "number") { xstop = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.max - xmaxoff); } else if ($.type(xmaxoff) == "string") { xstop = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.max) - parseFloat(xmaxoff); } } if (xstop != null && xstart != null) { obj.gridStart = [xstart, y]; obj.gridStop = [xstop, y]; mr.draw([xstart, y], [xstop, y], this.canvas._ctx, opts); } } break; case 'dashedHorizontalLine': var dashPat = obj.options.dashPattern; var dashPatLen = 0; for (var i=0; i<dashPat.length; i++) { dashPatLen += dashPat[i]; } // style and shadow properties should be set before // every draw of marker renderer. if (obj.options.y != null) { mr.style = 'line'; opts.closePath = false; var xaxis = plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis], xstart, xstop, y = plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.y), xminoff = obj.options.xminOffset || obj.options.xOffset, xmaxoff = obj.options.xmaxOffset || obj.options.xOffset; if (obj.options.xmin != null) { xstart = xaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.xmin); } else if (xminoff != null) { if ($.type(xminoff) == "number") { xstart = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.min + xminoff); } else if ($.type(xminoff) == "string") { xstart = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.min) + parseFloat(xminoff); } } if (obj.options.xmax != null) { xstop = xaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.xmax); } else if (xmaxoff != null) { if ($.type(xmaxoff) == "number") { xstop = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.max - xmaxoff); } else if ($.type(xmaxoff) == "string") { xstop = xaxis.series_u2p(xaxis.max) - parseFloat(xmaxoff); } } if (xstop != null && xstart != null) { obj.gridStart = [xstart, y]; obj.gridStop = [xstop, y]; var numDash = Math.ceil((xstop - xstart)/dashPatLen); var b=xstart, e; for (var i=0; i<numDash; i++) { for (var j=0; j<dashPat.length; j+=2) { e = b+dashPat[j]; mr.draw([b, y], [e, y], this.canvas._ctx, opts); b += dashPat[j]; if (j < dashPat.length-1) { b += dashPat[j+1]; } } } } } break; case 'verticalLine': // style and shadow properties should be set before // every draw of marker renderer. if (obj.options.x != null) { mr.style = 'line'; opts.closePath = false; var yaxis = plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis], ystart, ystop, x = plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.x), yminoff = obj.options.yminOffset || obj.options.yOffset, ymaxoff = obj.options.ymaxOffset || obj.options.yOffset; if (obj.options.ymin != null) { ystart = yaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.ymin); } else if (yminoff != null) { if ($.type(yminoff) == "number") { ystart = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.min - yminoff); } else if ($.type(yminoff) == "string") { ystart = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.min) - parseFloat(yminoff); } } if (obj.options.ymax != null) { ystop = yaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.ymax); } else if (ymaxoff != null) { if ($.type(ymaxoff) == "number") { ystop = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.max + ymaxoff); } else if ($.type(ymaxoff) == "string") { ystop = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.max) + parseFloat(ymaxoff); } } if (ystop != null && ystart != null) { obj.gridStart = [x, ystart]; obj.gridStop = [x, ystop]; mr.draw([x, ystart], [x, ystop], this.canvas._ctx, opts); } } break; case 'dashedVerticalLine': var dashPat = obj.options.dashPattern; var dashPatLen = 0; for (var i=0; i<dashPat.length; i++) { dashPatLen += dashPat[i]; } // style and shadow properties should be set before // every draw of marker renderer. if (obj.options.x != null) { mr.style = 'line'; opts.closePath = false; var yaxis = plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis], ystart, ystop, x = plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis].series_u2p(obj.options.x), yminoff = obj.options.yminOffset || obj.options.yOffset, ymaxoff = obj.options.ymaxOffset || obj.options.yOffset; if (obj.options.ymin != null) { ystart = yaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.ymin); } else if (yminoff != null) { if ($.type(yminoff) == "number") { ystart = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.min - yminoff); } else if ($.type(yminoff) == "string") { ystart = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.min) - parseFloat(yminoff); } } if (obj.options.ymax != null) { ystop = yaxis.series_u2p(obj.options.ymax); } else if (ymaxoff != null) { if ($.type(ymaxoff) == "number") { ystop = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.max + ymaxoff); } else if ($.type(ymaxoff) == "string") { ystop = yaxis.series_u2p(yaxis.max) + parseFloat(ymaxoff); } } if (ystop != null && ystart != null) { obj.gridStart = [x, ystart]; obj.gridStop = [x, ystop]; var numDash = Math.ceil((ystart - ystop)/dashPatLen); var firstDashAdjust = ((numDash * dashPatLen) - (ystart - ystop))/2.0; var b=ystart, e, bs, es; for (var i=0; i<numDash; i++) { for (var j=0; j<dashPat.length; j+=2) { e = b - dashPat[j]; if (e < ystop) { e = ystop; } if (b < ystop) { b = ystop; } // es = e; // if (i == 0) { // es += firstDashAdjust; // } mr.draw([x, b], [x, e], this.canvas._ctx, opts); b -= dashPat[j]; if (j < dashPat.length-1) { b -= dashPat[j+1]; } } } } } break; default: break; } } } } }; // called within context of plot // create a canvas which we can draw on. // insert it before the eventCanvas, so eventCanvas will still capture events. $.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.postPlotDraw = function() { var co = this.plugins.canvasOverlay; // Memory Leaks patch if (co && co.highlightCanvas) { co.highlightCanvas.resetCanvas(); co.highlightCanvas = null; } co.canvas = new $.jqplot.GenericCanvas(); this.eventCanvas._elem.before(co.canvas.createElement(this._gridPadding, 'jqplot-overlayCanvas-canvas', this._plotDimensions, this)); co.canvas.setContext(); if (!co.deferDraw) { co.draw(this); } var elem = document.createElement('div'); co._tooltipElem = $(elem); elem = null; co._tooltipElem.addClass('jqplot-canvasOverlay-tooltip'); co._tooltipElem.css({position:'absolute', display:'none'}); this.eventCanvas._elem.before(co._tooltipElem); this.eventCanvas._elem.bind('mouseleave', { elem: co._tooltipElem }, function (ev) { ev.data.elem.hide(); }); var co = null; }; function showTooltip(plot, obj, gridpos, datapos) { var co = plot.plugins.canvasOverlay; var elem = co._tooltipElem; var opts = obj.options, x, y; elem.html($.jqplot.sprintf(opts.tooltipFormatString, datapos[0], datapos[1])); switch (opts.tooltipLocation) { case 'nw': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left - elem.outerWidth(true) - opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top - opts.tooltipOffset - elem.outerHeight(true); break; case 'n': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left - elem.outerWidth(true)/2; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top - opts.tooltipOffset - elem.outerHeight(true); break; case 'ne': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left + opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top - opts.tooltipOffset - elem.outerHeight(true); break; case 'e': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left + opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top - elem.outerHeight(true)/2; break; case 'se': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left + opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top + opts.tooltipOffset; break; case 's': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left - elem.outerWidth(true)/2; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top + opts.tooltipOffset; break; case 'sw': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left - elem.outerWidth(true) - opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top + opts.tooltipOffset; break; case 'w': x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left - elem.outerWidth(true) - opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top - elem.outerHeight(true)/2; break; default: // same as 'nw' x = gridpos[0] + plot._gridPadding.left - elem.outerWidth(true) - opts.tooltipOffset; y = gridpos[1] + plot._gridPadding.top - opts.tooltipOffset - elem.outerHeight(true); break; } elem.css('left', x); elem.css('top', y); if (opts.fadeTooltip) { // Fix for stacked up animations. Thnanks Trevor! elem.stop(true,true).fadeIn(opts.tooltipFadeSpeed); } else { elem.show(); } elem = null; } function isNearLine(point, lstart, lstop, width) { // r is point to test, p and q are end points. var rx = point[0]; var ry = point[1]; var px = Math.round(lstop[0]); var py = Math.round(lstop[1]); var qx = Math.round(lstart[0]); var qy = Math.round(lstart[1]); var l = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(px-qx, 2) + Math.pow(py-qy, 2)); // scale error term by length of line. var eps = width*l; var res = Math.abs((qx-px) * (ry-py) - (qy-py) * (rx-px)); var ret = (res < eps) ? true : false; return ret; } function handleMove(ev, gridpos, datapos, neighbor, plot) { var co = plot.plugins.canvasOverlay; var objs = co.objects; var l = objs.length; var obj, haveHighlight=false; var elem; for (var i=0; i<l; i++) { obj = objs[i]; if (obj.options.showTooltip) { var n = isNearLine([gridpos.x, gridpos.y], obj.gridStart, obj.gridStop, obj.tooltipWidthFactor); datapos = [plot.axes[obj.options.xaxis].series_p2u(gridpos.x), plot.axes[obj.options.yaxis].series_p2u(gridpos.y)]; // cases: // near line, no highlighting // near line, highliting on this line // near line, highlighting another line // not near any line, highlighting // not near any line, no highlighting // near line, not currently highlighting if (n && co.highlightObjectIndex == null) { switch (obj.type) { case 'line': showTooltip(plot, obj, [gridpos.x, gridpos.y], datapos); break; case 'horizontalLine': case 'dashedHorizontalLine': showTooltip(plot, obj, [gridpos.x, obj.gridStart[1]], [datapos[0], obj.options.y]); break; case 'verticalLine': case 'dashedVerticalLine': showTooltip(plot, obj, [obj.gridStart[0], gridpos.y], [obj.options.x, datapos[1]]); break; default: break; } co.highlightObjectIndex = i; haveHighlight = true; break; } // near line, highlighting another line. else if (n && co.highlightObjectIndex !== i) { // turn off tooltip. elem = co._tooltipElem; if (obj.fadeTooltip) { elem.fadeOut(obj.tooltipFadeSpeed); } else { elem.hide(); } // turn on right tooltip. switch (obj.type) { case 'line': showTooltip(plot, obj, [gridpos.x, gridpos.y], datapos); break; case 'horizontalLine': case 'dashedHorizontalLine': showTooltip(plot, obj, [gridpos.x, obj.gridStart[1]], [datapos[0], obj.options.y]); break; case 'verticalLine': case 'dashedVerticalLine': showTooltip(plot, obj, [obj.gridStart[0], gridpos.y], [obj.options.x, datapos[1]]); break; default: break; } co.highlightObjectIndex = i; haveHighlight = true; break; } // near line, already highlighting this line, update else if (n) { switch (obj.type) { case 'line': showTooltip(plot, obj, [gridpos.x, gridpos.y], datapos); break; case 'horizontalLine': case 'dashedHorizontalLine': showTooltip(plot, obj, [gridpos.x, obj.gridStart[1]], [datapos[0], obj.options.y]); break; case 'verticalLine': case 'dashedVerticalLine': showTooltip(plot, obj, [obj.gridStart[0], gridpos.y], [obj.options.x, datapos[1]]); break; default: break; } haveHighlight = true; break; } } } // check if we are highlighting and not near a line, turn it off. if (!haveHighlight && co.highlightObjectIndex !== null) { elem = co._tooltipElem; obj = co.getObject(co.highlightObjectIndex); if (obj.fadeTooltip) { elem.fadeOut(obj.tooltipFadeSpeed); } else { elem.hide(); } co.highlightObjectIndex = null; } } $.jqplot.postInitHooks.push($.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.postPlotInit); $.jqplot.postDrawHooks.push($.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.postPlotDraw); $.jqplot.eventListenerHooks.push(['jqplotMouseMove', handleMove]); })(jQuery);