
Mtas can retrieve list of hits for Mtas queries within the (filtered) set of documents. To get this information, in Solr requests, besides the parameter to enable the [Mtas query component](search_component.html), the following parameter should be provided.

| Parameter             | Value  | Obligatory  |
| mtas.list             | true   | yes         |

List results on multiple spans can be produced within the same request. To distinguish them, a unique identifier has to be provided for each of the required lists.

| Parameter                                       | Value        | Info                           | Obligatory  |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.key         | \<string\>   | key used in response           | no          |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.field       | \<string\>   | Mtas field                      | yes         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.type       | \<string\>   | query language: [cql](search_cql.html)  | yes         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.value      | \<string\>   | query: [cql](search_cql.html)            | yes         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.prefix     | \<string\>   | default prefix            | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.ignore      | \<string\>   | ignore query: [cql](search_cql.html)            | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.maximumIgnoreLength      | \<integer\>   | maximum number of succeeding occurrences to ignore            | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.prefix       | \<string\>   | comma separated list of prefixes                      | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.number       | \<double\>   | maximum number of items in list                         | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.start       | \<double\>   | offset for selection of items in list                       | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.left       | \<double\>   | number of positions left of hit                      | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.right      | \<double\>   | number of positions right of hit                      | no         |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.output       | \<string\>   | "token" or "hit"                      | no         |

## Variables

The query may contain one or more variables, and the value(s) of these variables have to be defined 

| Parameter                                       | Value        | Info                           | Obligatory  |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.variable\<identifier variable\>.name      | \<string\>   | name of variable                 | yes        |
| mtas.list.\<identifier\>.query.variable\<identifier variable\>.value      | \<string\>   | comma separated list of values  | yes        |


## Examples
1. [Token](#token) : List of tokens with prefix *t*, *pos* and *s* for adjectives followed by a noun
2. [Hit](#hit) : List of hits with prefix *t*, *pos* and *s* for articles followed by an adjective and a noun
3. [Left and Right](#left-and-right) : List of tokens with prefix *t* and *s* for sentences starting with an article, expanded to the left and the right

<a name="token"></a>  

### Token

List with output type *token* and prefixes *t*, *pos* and *s* for adjectives followed by a noun


**Request and response**  


<a name="hit"></a>  

### Hit

List with output type *hit* and prefixes *t*, *pos* and *s* for articles followed by an adjective and a noun


**Request and response**



<a name="left-and-right"></a>  

### Left and Right

List with output type *token* and prefixes *t* and *s* for sentences starting with an article, expanded two positions to the left and one position to the right


**Request and response** 

        "key":"sentence starting with article",



To get a list of hits [directly in Lucene](installation_lucene.html), *ComponentList* together with the provided *collect* method can be used.