# Document

Mtas can produce statistics on used terms for the individual listed documents. To get this information, in Solr requests, besides the parameter to enable the [Mtas query component](search_component.html), the following parameter should be provided.

| Parameter             | Value  | Obligatory  |
| mtas.document            | true   | yes         |

Multiple document results can be produced within the same request. To distinguish them, a unique identifier has to be provided for each of the required document results.

| Parameter                                       | Value        | Info                           | Obligatory  |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.key         | \<string\>   | key used in response           | no          |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.field       | \<string\>   | Mtas field                      | yes         |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.prefix       | \<string\>   | prefix                      |yes         |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.number       | \<double\>   | create list with specified number of most frequent items   | no         |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.type        | \<string\>   | required [type of statistics](search_stats.html) | no          |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.regexp       | \<string\>   | regular expression condition on term                     | no         |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.ignoreRegexp       | \<string\>   | regular expression condition for terms that have to be ignored    | no         |

## List

A list can be provided, specifying the set of terms to consider when computing the result.

| Parameter                                       | Value        | Info                           | Obligatory  |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.list         | \<string\>   | comma separated list of values           | yes          | 
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.listRegexp  | \<boolean\>   | list of values are to be interpreted as regular expressions           | no          |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.listExpand  | \<boolean\>   | expand the matches on values from list | no          |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.listExpandNumber  | \<double\>   | number of expansions of matches on values from list | no          | 

## Ignore list

Also a ignore list can be provided, specifying the set of terms not to consider when computing the result.

| Parameter                                       | Value        | Info                           | Obligatory  |
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.ignoreList         | \<string\>   | comma separated list of values           | yes          | 
| mtas.document.\<identifier\>.ignoreListRegexp  | \<boolean\>   | list of values are to be interpreted as regular expressions           | no         |


## Examples
1. [Basic](#basic) : Statistics unique words for each document
2. [Regexp](#regexp) : Most frequent words containing only letters a-z and minimum length 5
3. [List](#list) : Statistics for a provided list of words
4. [Ignore](#ignore) : Statistics for a provided list of regular expressions, ignoring another list of regular expressions


<a name="basic"></a>  

### Basic

Statistics for set of unique tokens with prefix *t* (words) for each listed document.

**Request and response**  


<a name="regexp"></a>  

### Regexp

Most frequent tokens containing only letters a-z and minimum length 5 with prefix *t* (words) for each listed document.


**Request and response**  

        "key":"list of words",

<a name="list"></a>  

### List

Statistics for a provided list of words for each listed document.


**Request and response**  

        "key":"list of words",

<a name="ignore"></a>  

### Ignore

Statistics for a provided list of regular expressions, ignoring another list of regular expressions for each listed document.




**Ignore list**<br/>

**Request and response**  

        "key":"advanced list of words",



To get statistics on used terms for the listed documents [directly in Lucene](installation_lucene.html), *ComponentDocument* together with the provided *collect* method can be used.