/* * File: test_not_recognize.cpp * Author: mlenart * * Created on 31 październik 2013, 11:40 */ #include <cstdlib> #include <sstream> #include "fsa.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" using namespace std; void doTest(const FSA<char*>& fsa, const char* fname) { ifstream ifs; // ifs.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); ifs.open(fname, ios::binary); string line; while (getline(ifs, line)) { vector<string> splitVector(split(line, '\t')); string key = splitVector[0]; cerr << "test " << key << endl; char* value2; validate(!fsa.tryToRecognize(key.c_str(), value2), "Recognized "+key+" but should not"); } // validate(ifs.good(), "Something wrong with the input file"); // validate(!ifs.fail(), "Something wrong with the input file"); validate(ifs.eof(), "Failed to read the input file to the end"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { cerr << (int) ((unsigned char) -123) << endl; validate(argc == 3, "Must provide exactly two arguments - FSA filename and dictionary filename."); const unsigned char* fsaData = readFile(argv[1]); StringDeserializer deserializer; FSA<char*>* fsa = FSA<char*>::getFSA(fsaData, deserializer); doTest(*fsa, argv[2]); // cout << argc << endl; delete fsa; return 0; }