layout-default-latest.css 4.06 KB
 * Default Layout Theme
 * Created for jquery.layout 
 * Copyright (c) 2010 
 *   Fabrizio Balliano (
 *   Kevin Dalman (
 * Dual licensed under the GPL (
 * and MIT ( licenses.
 * Last Updated: 2010-02-10
 * NOTE: For best code readability, view this with a fixed-space font and tabs equal to 4-chars

 *	Just to make demo-pages look better - not actually relevant to Layout!
body {
	font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size:   100%;
	*font-size:  80%;

.ui-layout-pane { /* all 'panes' */
	background:	#FFF; 
	border:		1px solid #BBB;
	/* DO NOT add scrolling (or padding) to 'panes' that have a content-div,
	   otherwise you may get double-scrollbars - on the pane AND on the content-div
	padding:	10px; 
	overflow:	auto;
	/* (scrolling) content-div inside pane allows for fixed header(s) and/or footer(s) */
	.ui-layout-content {
		padding:	10px;
		position:	relative; /* contain floated or positioned elements */
		overflow:	auto; /* add scrolling to content-div */

.ui-layout-resizer	{ /* all 'resizer-bars' */
	background:		#DDD;
	border:			1px solid #BBB;
	border-width:	0;
	.ui-layout-resizer-drag {		/* REAL resizer while resize in progress */
	.ui-layout-resizer-hover	{	/* affects both open and closed states */
	/* NOTE: It looks best when 'hover' and 'dragging' are set to the same color,
		otherwise color shifts while dragging when bar can't keep up with mouse */
	.ui-layout-resizer-open-hover ,	/* hover-color to 'resize' */
	.ui-layout-resizer-dragging {	/* resizer beging 'dragging' */
		background: #C4E1A4;
	.ui-layout-resizer-dragging {	/* CLONED resizer being dragged */
		border-left:  1px solid #BBB;
		border-right: 1px solid #BBB;
	/* NOTE: Add a 'dragging-limit' color to provide visual feedback when resizer hits min/max size limits */
	.ui-layout-resizer-dragging-limit {	/* CLONED resizer at min or max size-limit */
		background: #E1A4A4; /* red */

	.ui-layout-resizer-closed-hover	{ /* hover-color to 'slide open' */
		background: #EBD5AA;
	.ui-layout-resizer-sliding {	/* resizer when pane is 'slid open' */
		opacity: .10; /* show only a slight shadow */
		filter:  alpha(opacity=10);
		.ui-layout-resizer-sliding-hover {	/* sliding resizer - hover */
			opacity: 1.00; /* on-hover, show the resizer-bar normally */
			filter:  alpha(opacity=100);
		/* sliding resizer - add 'outside-border' to resizer on-hover 
		 * this sample illustrates how to target specific panes and states */
		.ui-layout-resizer-north-sliding-hover	{ border-bottom-width:	1px; }
		.ui-layout-resizer-south-sliding-hover	{ border-top-width:		1px; }
		.ui-layout-resizer-west-sliding-hover	{ border-right-width:	1px; }
		.ui-layout-resizer-east-sliding-hover	{ border-left-width:	1px; }

.ui-layout-toggler {
	border: 1px solid #BBB; /* match pane-border */
	background-color: #BBB;
	.ui-layout-resizer-hover .ui-layout-toggler {
		opacity: .60;
		filter:  alpha(opacity=60);
	.ui-layout-toggler-hover , /* need when NOT resizable */
	.ui-layout-resizer-hover .ui-layout-toggler-hover { /* need specificity when IS resizable */
		background-color: #FC6;
		opacity: 1.00;
		filter:  alpha(opacity=100);
	.ui-layout-toggler-north ,
	.ui-layout-toggler-south {
		border-width: 0 1px; /* left/right borders */
	.ui-layout-toggler-west ,
	.ui-layout-toggler-east {
		border-width: 1px 0; /* top/bottom borders */
	/* hide the toggler-button when the pane is 'slid open' */
	.ui-layout-resizer-sliding  ui-layout-toggler {
		display: none;
	 *	style the text we put INSIDE the togglers
	.ui-layout-toggler .content {
		color:			#666;
		font-size:		12px;
		font-weight:	bold;
		width:			100%;
		padding-bottom:	0.35ex; /* to 'vertically center' text inside text-span */